Chapter Five

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Ginny Weasley

"What just happened? What is wrong with him?" I said In a panic.. "Harry lay him on the couch" Hermione ordered.

"Ron get a cold cloth" I said while I ran over to help. As I try to help Hermione I think to myself what the heck did they just do?

Mum walked down the stairs. This was not going to be good.

As Mum sees the boy laying on the couch unconscious you can see her stare directly at Ron.

"Ronald Weasley what did you do?!" Mum screamed at Ron. You know that feeling when you just want kill someone. Ya that's how Mum felt. You could see it in her face. It was bright red and you could see a couple veins bulging out of her head.

"Mum I swear I didn't do it. It was Hermione" Ron said unconvincingly.

"Smooth Ron blame the smart one" Hermione said with a sarcastic tone.

"Mrs.Weasley I promise we didn't do it" Harry said convincingly.

"Oh it's fine Harry"Mum said nicely.

" Ronald undo the spell know" Mum yelled at Ron.

"Mrs.Weasley I swear it's safe professor McGonagall gave it to us. It's to help give him his memory back" Hermione said assuringly.

"You tell her Hermione" Ron said in a nervous voice.

"What Do you mean give him his memory back" Mum said.

"Mrs. Weasley I think you should sit down" Hermione said as she guided her over to a chair. Hermione took Mum into the kitchen so I could only her little mumbles. But I'm pretty sure Mum wasn't impressed.

Molly Weasley

I was so confused. What the heck was going on.

"So, Ron, Harry and I were in the den, when the boy was at the door. Ron let him in. He told us that his name was Percy Jackson a

nd that he was seventeen years old. He also said that he had no memory. Percy said that he woke up in the middle of the field with no memory. We didn't know what to do so I wrote a letter to Professor McGonagall saying what happened. Also she sent us a letter saying that we were allowed to finish our studies at Hogwarts. Anyway McGonagall wrote back and sent a potion that would slowly fix his memory. We went to make breakfast and Percy collapsed and said he remembered one name, Annabeth. Oh and he's a wizard." Hermione explained

"I guess, we can let him stay here, until we go to Hogwarts. And if you're going to Hogwarts we have to hurry and get Percy his stuff because the train leaves tomorrow.

Third Person

The throne room on Olympus

"What should we do? Those mortals gave him something to heal his memory." Zeus said

"I can stop it but, I can't undo it." Hecate said.

"All in favour of stopping it?" Zeus said loudly.

Almost all the gods raised their hands. Only Poseidon and5 Athena didn't raise their hand.

"Alright, stop it." Zeus spoke.

Percy Jackson


"Perce! Are you there? Where are you? You need to tell us." A boy with, goat legs and horns was standing in front of me. Wait. Was that Grover?

"Grover? Is that you? Where are you? Where am I?" I asked.

"I don't know, but you need to find out and tell us Perce. We need to find you, the whole camp is searching for you" Grover said.

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