Chapter Seventeen

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A few weeks later

Harry Potter

We had just finished potions class. We were brewing the draught of the living death.

I was partners with Ron. Hermione was partners with Percy.

I swear that Percy feel asleep at least three times during class. He wasn't looking very well. He had dark bags under his eyes and he kept on rubbing his eyes too. His hair was messier than usual.

We were walking to our next class- charms- when we ran into Malfoy.

"Hey Potter," Malfoy looked at Percy. "Who's your new friend?"

"My name is Percy Jackson."

"Go away, Malfoy." Ron said.

He left and we headed towards charms class.

"Percy, is the potion, Madame Pomfrey gave you, working?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah," Percy responded.

"Er- are you okay, Percy? It looks like you haven't been sleeping very well." Ron said.

"I am fine." He said.

We arrived at the charms classroom. We chose seats in the middle of the classroom, so we can talk.

Today we were reviewing cheering charms. I was Ron's partner, and Hermione was Percy's.

I cast the charm on Ron and he couldn't stop smiling.

"Ron you look like an idiot." Hermione joked.

"What? I can't help it." Ron said back.

Hermione had just done the spell on Percy, and he was doing his usual troublemaker grin. "Guys, look!" Percy cast the spell on Hermione. She started to softly laugh.

by the end of the class everyone criss smiling or laughing. I could feel the giant grin on my face.

Ron and Hermione were holding hands.

Ginny suddenly ran up to me and pecked me on the cheek.

"Hi Harry." She said quickly then she ran up to her friends.

Thankfully Ron didn't see that.

"Uh, what do we have next?" Percy asked. The situation must of been a little awkward for Percy.

"Care of magical creatures."

We walked to Hagrid's hut. It had rained earlier that day, so we were trying to get out shoes stuck in mud.

I heard Percy yell. I looked back and saw that he had tripped in patch of mud and he had just caught himself from falling, but he was stuck.

"A little help here?" Percy grunted to us.

Ron and I grabbed his wrists and we pulled. The mud made a sucking sound when we pulled him out.

"Thanks," He said. Percy shook his feet to get some mud off his shoes.

We finally got to Hagrid's hut.

"We are learnin' 'bout Thestrals, I got some 'ere for yeh." Hagrid's said.

I looked around and I saw five Thestrals I saw Percy stroking one's muzzle. It looked liked he was muttering to it.

Percy Jackson

I started gently stroking the Thestrals muzzle.

'Hello lord' the Thestral said.

I started to blab about life.

Didn't realise class was over the until Hermione came and tapped me on the he shoulder.

"Percy, it's time to go, class is over.". He told me.


We tried to walk as fast as we could to the castle. I slipped a few times. So did Harry Hermione and Ron.

It started to spit. Hermione shoved the book she was holding into her bag.

I could dry off later.

All of our classes were finished. I should probably Iris message Annabeth before she gets mad. I went in the boys dormitory and opened a window. It was still sunny, so there was a small rainbow in the mist.

"Oh Iris goddess of the rainbow, show me Annabeth Chase." A picture of Annabeth riding Blackjack showed up.

"Oh, hi Percy." She was a little startled by me. "Guys, can we land for a minute?" Annabeth shouted to the others.

I waited for them to land. The dismounted from their pegasus.

"How far away are you Annabeth?" I asked.

"We are almost there, don't worry." She reassured me. "Have you lost anymore memory?"

I nodded. "I can remember when I was holding the sky, and we were fighting Atlas with Thalia and Zöe."

"Okay Percy we will see you there.". Annabeth swiped through the the mist and as he disappeared.

Sorry that I haven't been updating. I have been more focused on my art book lately. I will try and update more. Also if you like art check out my art book!

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