Chapter Eleven

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Harry Potter

    "Percy.  Why did you just pass out?"  I asked.

    Percy sighed and suddenly became very interested in the floor.  "I don't know." Percy rubbed his forehead. He had a small bump on the side of his forehead.  "I'm gonna go." Percy got up and left.

    Trelawney started the class..  I immediately zoned out. Ron looked like he was sleeping with his eyes open.  Hermione was sitting there, looking like she would rather be doing anything else.

    Once divination was finally over, we went to defence against the dark arts.  We saw Percy there. He looked tired.

    I was wondering who the new DADA professor was going to be.  We went and sat down at the desks. Ron and I sat together. Hermione was sitting with Parvati Patil.

    Ron leaned over to Hermione. "Hermione, go you know who the new defence against the dark arts.?"

'    "No, Ron."

    "I thought you would know-"

    "I don't know everything Ronald."

    "You know everything!'

    "I just know more than you!"


    I couldn't help but laughing.  Ron and Hermione have been together since the end of the war. (A/N: I almost wrote end of the world.)  I had been with Ginny since the end of the war too. Ron still wasn't very okay with it since I was dating his younger sister.  But it's all fine.

    Their argument went on for a little while longer, but they were cut off from a roar, from outside the window.

Percy Jackson

Oh schist.  This is bad.  How did the monsters follow me?  I was trying not to panic. How was I going to explain this?  

    Everyone was looking at the window.  I'm not sure what they saw but, I saw three cyclops outside the window.

    The teacher wasn't here so I did the smart thing and said, "Everybody in the hall!"  What? It seemed like a good idea at the time. Anyway, it was a mad dash to the door.  I looked around to make sure that everybody was in the hallway, everyone was. Except for Ron, Hermione and Harry.  Great.

    "Get in the hall!"  I said annoyed.

    "What are you going to do?"  Harry asked.

    "Uh-" I wasn't able to answer, because of the three tall cyclops crashing through the window.  At least I didn't have to make up an excuse.I took cover under a desk to avoid the sharp pieces of glass flying through the air.  But not fast enough because a piece of glass nicked me just above my left eyebrow.

I crawled out from under the desk and uncapped Riptide and it sprang to full length.  

"What?  How did you do that mate?" Ron asked amazed by the bronze sword in my hand.

"Magic,"  I said back to him.  The cyclopes were confused and dazed from jumping through the window.  Now's my chance.

I jumped up on a desk and lept towards a cyclops, in mid air I  sung Riptide amd deccapated the cyclops. It burst into golden dust.  One down, two to go.

I softly landed on the floor and turned to Cyclops #2.  Cyclops #3 was charging to Ron, Hermione and Harry.

I knew that they could stall Cyclops #3 until I got rid of the other one.  I charged towards it and slashed riptide at it.

I missed and the cyclops swung his club at me.  I quickly ducked and rolled to the side.

I glanced back at the others and they were doing okay.  Cyclops #2 was looking very confused. The cyclops had been surrounded by some birds which was a little weird, but they seem fine for now.

I ducked to dodge the club that the cyclops swung.  I ran towards it and swung my sword at it's legs. The cyclops roared in pain, then I stabbed it through the chest.  

I turned to Cyclops #2.  He was looking dazed. So I just walked up to it and stabbed him in the back, and he burst into monster dust.

Ron, Harry and Hermione looked confused and a little angry.  I was going to have some explaining to do.

"What the bloody hell just happened?"

I fell so bad for not updating.  Please don't hurt me.  Any way, tell me what you think!  Also where I live there is a freaking ice storm.  In April!  My basketball tournament was cancelled because of it! 

Stay amazing.

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