See Right Through Me - A Fred Weasley Love Story (Book One)

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters, only the ones I created.

I guess you could say I don't live a normal life. I'm, special, if that's even the right word. I'm a witch. But I also have another gift, I'm a true seer, which is extremely rare. I don't just predict prophecies, I see things constantly playing out in my mind. It's like watching a movie, except of things that are going to happen in the future. I was afraid when I first discovered my ability, but I've gotten used to it. 

About a week before my first year at Hogwarts, I had a dream. It showed all the main events that would happen during the school year. It was mainly just mild things, what house I was sorted into, Quidditch, things about the professors. It happened the next year too, and the next year. But last year scared me. I saw Harry Potter, Professor Quirrel, and the face of You-Know-Who. I went straight to Dumbledore, he of course, said everything would be fine. But it all played out like it did in my dream. Even though Harry escaped You-Know-Who a second time, I was still a but frantic about the whole thing. 

I currently live in a muggle orphanage just outside of London. I hate it here. The kids all make fun of me, they tease me. It was hard to take at first, but ever since I started going to Hogwarts, it no longer bothers me. 

My mother was a muggle born, her family practically disowned her once they discovered she was a witch. Her two sisters shut her out and once she finished her schooling, her parents wanted nothing to do with her. She was sorted into Ravenclaw as she was always one of the brightest students. She was so excited to find out that she was a witch that she did everything to be the best that she could be. 

Her name was Anette Terrins. She met my father, Tyson Williams, in her sixth year at Hogwarts. They were both chasers for their house Quidditch team. They fell in love, even though they were two very different people.

Tyson was part of a pure-blood family, all of whom were in Gryffindor house. There were five of the Williams brothers. From oldest to youngest, Tiberius, Tyson, Tyler, Tybalt, and Tychicus. They were a very powerful and well-known family, especially during the First Wizarding War. 

About a year after my parents graduated from Hogwarts they married and became pregnant with me. But not long after I turned two, bad things started happening. The war was at it's peak. You-Know-Who was in control. My parents and my father's family were part of the Order of the Phoenix. My father was an auror and my mother taught Divination at Hogwarts. 

But once my mother returned from her second year of teaching at Hogwarts my father's parents had been killed. It was by none other than Bellatrix Lestrange. She had it out for my family, and she was successful too. Tyler was the first one to be killed. I was too young to remember him.

My mother decided not to return to Hogwarts the following year, it was too dangerous. By Christmas Tybalt was also dead, Tychicus disappearing the next month, never to be seen again. My father and Tiberius were the only ones left. 

It wasn't until September that my parents were finally caught. I was staying with my uncle Tiberius since my parents were celebrating their anniversary. But Bellatrix decided to intrude. They put up a good fight, but she came out on top. 

A month and a half later, Harry Potter destroyed You-Know-Who, and the war was over. I was left to live with my uncle, as he was the only family I had left. But when I was seven, he fell dangerously ill. There was nothing I could do except stand by his side and watch him slowly slip away. 

By that time I was starting to see things, but I didn't know what any of it meant. Tiberius told me right before he died that I was a true seer, and not to be afraid. I couldn't help but be a little frightened. Once he was gone I was put in the orphanage. The only thing I can really remember from my first three years of life is my uncle dying, and his last words, "You are special."

I have a few pitcures of my parents, I really do look like both of them combined. My mother had long, brown curls while my father had flaming red locks. I had long, dark, auburn waves. My mother had hazel eyes, my father brown. I have soft, green eyes. I'm tall like both my parents and I'm also a chaser like they were. I have my mother's brains, my father's bravery, and both of their big hearts. That's why I'm a Gryffindor. 

My name is Asilla Williams, and my life is about to change.

Edited 12/20/12

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