Chapter Nine

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**Disclaimer** I do not own any of the HP characters, only my own

At 8 o'clock I arrived in the dungeons to serve my detention with Snape. I slowly opened the door and quietly set foot into the dark classroom. I peeked around the corner to make sure no one was there. 

I looked to the front of the room to see Snape at his desk, doing what I assume was grading papers. "Ah, Miss Williams, right on time." He said, still focusing on his papers. "Sit down."

I obeyed and seated myself at the front table, folding my hands together and setting them neatly on the desk. I hardly blinked, not daring to take my eyes off Snape.

"I believe you know why you're here." he said, finally glancing up at me. I nodded quickly and inhaled. "And what would that be?" He asked in his dreary, monotone voice.

"For hexing Draco Malfoy, sir." I answered politely. 

"And why, Miss Williams, would you do such a thing?" He asked another question, still scribbling on the papers in front of him.

"Because, sir, he was insulting my friends." I explained, trying to keep my shaking voice calm.

"And that made it okay to hex him?"

"Er," I stumbled, trying to find words to explain my actions.

"This is unlike you, Miss Williams." he pointed out. At least I wasn't the only one who's noticed. I hung my head, hoping he would just give me my punishment already. "Lines."

I looked up to see a piece of chalk magically writing something itself on the board. I will not use hexes to fight a battle of words.

I cleared my throat. "How much?" I asked, my voice cracking slightly.

"One piece of parchment will do." He instructed. I nodded and began writing. 

It didn't take me long, twenty minutes or so. When I finished I stood up and handed Snape my paper, front and back, filled with my neat little scrawl. He still didn't look up.

"You may go." He said in a dry voice. I nodded, grabbed my bag, and quickly left the room.

Detention wasn't as bad as I thought, but maybe that because it was my first offense. I'm sure Fred and George have experienced much worse. 

I returned to the common room around nine. I couldn't find Alicia and Vanessa but I noticed Fred and George waving me over to their place in the corner. I sat on the floor next to Fred, George resting in an armchair.

"So how was detention?" Fred asked, his eyes glowing. I never really looked at his eyes before, they were miraculous. They were brown, but had specs of green throughout them. They were big, warm, and comforting.

I came back to reality enough to answer the question. "Fine, better than I expected." I half-laughed.

"What did you have to do?" George was the one to ask this time.

"Just lines, I will not use hexes in a battle against words." I recited the sentence that Snape had me write over and over. The twins chuckled.

"That's nothing!" George exclaimed.

"Yeah, once Filch made us clean all the toilets in the fifth floor boys bathroom! Without magic!" Fred told me. I laughed. I'd heard that that bathroom was the most disgusting throughout the castle.

"But you two have also done much worse things." I reminded them.

They both looked defeated. George turned to Fred, "She has a point you know." he admitted. I raised my eyebrows and smiled cockily. 

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