Chapter Thirteen

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**Disclaimer** I don't own any of the HP characters, only my own.

I couldn't sleep that night, or the night after that, or the night after that. My friends seemed to take notice of this.

"Blimey, Asilla," Fred started.

"You look dreadful!" George finished.

"Thanks guys," I muttered, resting my head in my arms on Gryffindor table in the Great Hall on Tuesday morning.

"You need to stop getting all worked up over this Mrs. Norris thing!" Fred demanded, placing a spoonful of eggs in his mouth.

"But don't you get it?" I hissed, lifting my head back up. "This is only the first of a series of attacks! Next it's going to be students! I know it!"

"Dumbeldore's going to handle this whole thing, everything's will be fine." George said, trying to calm me down.

"I hope you're right," I half-whispered, resting my chin on my propped up elbow.

"The Weasley twins are always right." Fred smirked. I snickered and shook my head at him.

"Look on the bright-side, we have History of Magic first, you can catch up on your sleep!" George informed me. The only thing is, I never sleep during any classes, it's the Ravenclaw within me.

"Actually," Vanessa started, causing all eyes to drift to her. "I was planning on asking Professor Binns about this Chamber of Secrets thing." she said humbly, sipping her pumpkin juice.

"You think he'd tell us? That is, if he even knows what it is." George said.

"It's worth a shot, right?" Vanessa asked. Maybe she's right, the more we know, the better off we are.

After the bell rang, signaling for morning classes, we all headed to History of Magic, a little more pep in our step than usual. I sat in between Vanessa and Alicia, this being one of the few classes in which I do so. 

I was trying my very best to take in every word Professor Binns was saying, but I could barely manage to keep my eyes open. I could feel my head nodding forward every now and then, Vanessa had to keep nudging me awake. I was beginning to slip deeper, and deeper, until I was no longer in reality.

Harry was alone in an empty corridor. He was walking slowly, his ears perked up to listen for the slightest of noise. He started jogging, tracing along the wall, obviously hearing something. I could hear it too, but i couldn't understand it. It sounded like hissing.

A trail of black spiders scurried along the floor. Where were they going? The trail continued out of a window that led outside. I looked out to see the faintest sight of the spiders heading for the forest. I didn't feel up to following them. 

I could feel something coming up behind me. I didn't know what it was, but I knew it wouldn't be good. I turned around, slowly. In front of me was a large snake-like creature. It's red eyes met mine and I felt my heart stop. I couldn't move. I could feel myself falling, falling, falling, until -

"Asilla!" Alicia hissed, nudging my elbow with hers.

I opened my eyes quickly to see everyone looking at Vanessa anxiously. She must've asked Binns about the Chamber of Secrets. I've never seen this class so...attentive.

"Why is it that you are the second class to ask me about this?" He asked, eyeing us all suspiciously.

"Curiosity, Professor." Vanessa answered coolly.

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