Chapter Twelve

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**Disclaimer** I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters or any of the excerpts from the book.

I tried to shake off the smoke incident, but it kept finding ways back into my mind. Not even Fred and George experimenting with fireworks on the rescued salamander could distract me. 

"Asilla, don't tell me you're still thinking about that stupid smoke pattern!" said Vanessa, a hint of annoyance in her voice. She seemed to have noticed my distance from all the commotion in the common room.

"I can't help it, Vanessa! It just makes sense with all the stuff in my dream." I told her.

"So what do you think it means then?" She asked, trying to look concerned, her eyes flickering towards the salamander which was now had a spectacular display of tangerine stars showering from it's mouth.

"It means that the snake-thing from my dream is going to attack someone." I explained.

"When?" she asked, unable to take her eyes of the salamander that had whirled wildly around the room.

"I don't know yet, soon I believe." I answered, hugging my knees to my chest. 

Vanessa finally looked at me. "Is there going to be more than one attack?"

"To be honest, I don't know." I answered with a heavy sigh. I couldn't bear the thought of this thing attacking one student, let alone more.

Just then the twins popped up in front of us, wide smiles on their bright faces. "Hello lovelies." George said with a smirk.

"Enjoy the show?" Fred asked, grinning straight at me. I forced a smile and nodded, averting my gaze. "Something wrong?" 

Fred's question caught me off guard. "Wha-? Oh, no, just thinking." I told him.

"About what, love?"

"She saw a club when we were reading smoke patterns in Divination, and now she's got her wand in a knot." Vanessa answered for me.

"What's a club mean?" George asked.

"An attack." Vanessa answered again. 

George snickered slightly. "An attack? On what? Shampoo on Snape's hair?" he joked.

But I didn't laugh. "An attack on a student." I said. The boys stopped laughing at once, looking at me with question on their faces. I explained my dream to them, and for the first time, their faces remained serious.

"I remember my dad telling me something similar to that, it happened at Hogwarts like fifty years ago." Fred said.

"Oh yeah, he said some Ravenclaw girl got murdered, and they almost shut down Hogwarts!" George added. This statement caused me to become sick to my stomach.

"You don't think," Vanessa started. "That if it's like how it was back then, that they would actually close Hogwarts?"

All eyes were on me. Sure, I could see in to the future, but right now, my my mind is too cluttered to think. "I don't know." Was all I could say. 


Halloween rolled around and everyone was highly anticipating the feast. The Great Hall had been decorated with the usual live bats, Hagrid's vast pumpkins had been carved into lanterns large enough for three men to sit in, and there were rumors that Dumbledore had booked a troupe of dancing skeletons for entertainment.

I saw that Harry, Ron, and Hermione would not be in attendance at the feast, and decided to confront them about it. I caugh the trio just before they hopped through the portrait hole.

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