Chapter Twenty

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**Disclaimer** I do not own any of the HP characters, only my own.

As it turns out, Hermione used the wrong hair for her Polyjuice Potion and turned into some weird half-cat thing. I asked Harry about the whole situation, but he wouldn't say much, although he didn't need to. Hermione was finally released the first week of February, not at all behind in any of her coursework, of course.

When Alicia and Vanessa arrived back at school I took it upon myself to explain every detail of what happened between Fred and I. They squealed, smiled, and said "I told you so." I had to emphasize the fact that Fred and I's relationship is much different than anything they have in mind. We like to be subtle about things, just spend time together.

Now it is the day I've been dreading for quite some time, February Fourteenth, aka, Valentine's Day. Vanessa and Alicia have been hounding me for information about Fred and I's plans for today, but honestly, I have no idea. I wouldn't mind if we just stayed in the common room and cuddled by the fire.

As it was a Friday, our schedule was pretty full. We had History of Magic, Charms, and Double Potions. Plus Oliver would assuredly have a Quidditch practice tonight, so I probably won't even get to spend any alone time with Fred.

I snuck out of my dormitory to avoid Alicia and Vanessa, I'm not in the mood to deal with their girly antics right now. I knew the twins would be in the common room anyways.

As I had predicted, I saw them whispering in the corner with Lee. I walked over to them and they immediately fell silent once they saw me. I couldn't help but be slightly suspicious.

"Hey," I said, eyeing them all with curiosity.

"Morning, Asilla." Fred said, his voice not it's usual confident tone. He's hiding something.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Just prank stuff." Fred said. Strange, they never keep me out of the loop with their pranking ideas anymore.

"Uh-huh," I said, not buying it. 

Fred cleared his throat. "So, where's Vanessa and Alicia?" He asked.

"Upstairs, I came down early." I explained, my arms folded across my chest. They were silent. "You can't surprise me, you know. So don't bother keeping secrets."

Fred and George looked at each other. For some reason, I was having trouble seeing what they had planned, maybe because they aren't completely sure yet. "We should go to breakfast," George finally said.

"Yeah, great idea, George!" said Fred, practically sprinting to the portrait hole. "You coming, Sil?"

I glanced at Lee, who was looking down. "Yeah," I walked over to the exit with Lee, whispering, "If they even think about embarrassing me in any way, things won't end well. Got it?"

He nodded quickly, I smiled, satisfied with my threat. I held Fred's arm as we made our way down the corridor to the Great Hall. I preferred doing this over hand holding, why, I'm not sure. I walked a bit slower so George and Lee would be a few good paces ahead of us.

"You know you don't have to do anything special," I whispered as we continued to walk.

"Who said I was doing anything?" He retorted with a smirk. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I know you, you're up to something." I hissed.

"Like you said before, shouldn't you know?" He replied, whispering right into my ear. I glared at him, causing him to laugh. 

See Right Through Me - A Fred Weasley Love Story (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now