Chapter Two

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**Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Harry Potter characters, only mine

"Wake up, Williams." I cold, nasally, voice sneered at me on the morning of September first. I opened my eyes slowly, only letting in little bits of light at a time. "It's time to leave for that bloody school of yours."

I pulled the sheets off myself and sat up. Octavia, one of the workers, was picking up dirty clothes around the room left by the other kids. She was my least favorite of all the workers. She was 60-years-old and had an abnormally pointy nose. Her hair was composed of short, brown curls. We all knew she dyed her hair, although she had yet to admit it. Also, her lips always seemed to be pursed. 

I washed up in the bathroom before heading to breakfast. Regina, a young blond, was serving food to the children that were already at the table. Regina did most of the cooking for the orphanage, so I never really talked to her. Although, I can't help but feel as though she thinks I'm a freak like the rest of them. 

She tossed some scrambled eggs and a piece of toast on my plate without a word. I tried to give her an appreciative smile, but she looked away before I could. I poked at my eggs, I could feel the stares of the other kids around the table. I should be used to it by now, but it still gets quite annoying.

"Finally," I heard a high-pitched voice say. "They're sending Asilla away. I've been waiting for this day all summer." Sabrina teased. She was the ring leader of the kids here. They basically worshiped the ground she walked on. She had short, yellow hair, not blonde, yellow. Her eyes had a tint of gold to them and her face always reminded me of a fox. 

This happened every year. None of the kids knew where I was really going. The ladies had told them it was a boarding school for misguided delinquents. I was offended at first, but I was used to it by now. No one here is worth my time and energy.

Sabrina seemed to take my silence as a victory. I knew what she was going to say before she said it and stormed out of the dinning hall. She was about to say something about my parents, and that's where I drew the line. She had no idea who my parents were or why they died. 

I slammed the door to my room shut and finished packing my trunk. I threw in the rest of my clothes, school supplies, and other necessities. There was only one thing left, the photo album my uncle had made for me. It held precious pictures of my parents as well as the rest of my late family. I never went a day without looking through it. It was all I had left of my past.

I stroked the leather cover and gently placed it in my trunk. I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. I saw Hansel about to knock on my door. I opened to see her with her fist in the air, about to pound on the wood as I had seen. She seemed a bit taken back to my beating her to the door but forced a smile anyways. "Ready?" she asked.

I nodded and hauled my trunk out to the car. Hansel, of course, was the only one who would take me anywhere. If only she knew how much I appreciated her for that. "I always dreamed about going to Hogwarts you know." she said out of know where. She seemed to notice the look of confusion that appeared on my face.

She glanced from the road to me. "I'm not like the other ladies Asilla."

"What do you mean?" I asked, still puzzled.

"I'm a squib." she confessed. I felt my jaw drop slightly. "It makes more sense now doesn't it?"

"That's why you're the only one who doesn't look at me as though I have a third eye."

She nodded. "My parents were devastated when they realized I had no magical ability. They distanced themselves from me. That's why I came to this orphanage when I found that you were here."

"How'd you know I was a witch?"

"Everyone knows who you are Asilla. Your parents were very important people." she explained. I didn't speak, I was still taking it all in. She glanced at me again. "I came here because I know what it's like to be isolated, to feel like no one wants you. I didn't want you to feel that way."

"Did your-" But she broke me off before I could finish my question.

"Parents disown me? Basically. They're your typical pure-blood wizards. They hid me from the world, they didn't want any of their friends to know about me. They were ashamed of me."

"I'm sorry Hansel,"

"Don't ever feel like no one wants you, okay Asilla? Forget about the kids and workers, you have Hogwarts."

"Thank you," I paused and thought for a second. "Do you know that I-" she interrupted me once more.

"Have the inner eye? Please Asilla, I know everything. Dumbledore has assigned me to look after you." she answered as if it was the most obvious thing.

"Look after me? Why?"

She sighed. "You'll find out soon enough. I can't tell you anyways, not yet." I was about to speak again but I froze when I realized we had arrived at King's Cross. "Want me to walk you in?" she asked.

"No thank you, I can manage." I answered, trying not to offend her. She just nodded and gave me a soft smile. I pulled my trunk out of the backseat and made my way to the station. 

After maneuvering through crowds of people I finally made it to the space between platforms nine and ten. Platform 9 3/4. I took a deep breath and ran through the wall, pushing my trolley in front of me. 

I looked around at the buzz that surrounded the Hogwarts Express. There were plenty of families, parents bidding their children goodbye. I wish I had that. I finally spotted the curly, black hair I was looking for. "Vanessa!" I called out.

"Hey!" she called back, turning around to see me coming towards her. 

"Boy have I got some news to tell you!" I said, raising my eyebrows and looking down nervously. She had already said her goodbyes to her parents so we made our way onto the train. 

We found an empty compartment and the second I sat down, a scene played out in my mind. 

Harry and Ron had somehow missed the train, they couldn't get through the wall. Ron suggested taking his dad's flying car. Harry reluctantly agreed, they had to get to Hogwarts. The flight was rough at first, a few muggles spotted them. But they finally made their way to the sky where they couldn't be seen. They flew along the train, following it's path to the castle. But near the end of the journey, something went wrong. The car was failing. They crashed right into a tree, but not just any tree. The Whomping Willow. They managed to escape alive, but not without being caught.

"Asilla? Did you see something?" Vanessa asked, she could tell when I would go into one of my episodes. I told her what I saw, she said not to worry, but that just made me worry more.

I was then about to tell her that Hansel confessed to being a squib, but we were interrupted by the compartment door sliding open. There stood two red headed boys.

Edited 12/20/12

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