Chapter Eight

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**Disclaimer** I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters, only my own.

"Asilla! Asilla! Wake up!" I opened my eyes to the sound of the voice and the fact that someone was shaking me. I focused my vision enough to see Alicia and Vanessa standing over me with a little too much excitement in their eyes.

"So?" Alicia started, her eyes wide.

"How'd it go?" Vanessa finished the question. The eagerness on both of their faces was enough to make me want to gag. I looked at the time on my bedside table, 6:34 am. Too early for this.

"Fine, the prank was successful." I finally answered, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. They looked at me as to keep going with last night's events. "They want me to do more pranks with them." I continued.

The girls both squealed. This made me wonder how I ever became friends with them. "You know what this means?" said Vanessa, raising her eyebrows and clapping her hands.

"More time with," started Alicia.

"Fred!" They chorused. Honestly, they were worse than the twins with finishing each other's sentences. I shook my head at them.

"Yes, I know. But look, right now I just want us to be friends, okay?" I raised my eyebrows at them to check for understanding. They sighed, but finally nodded in agreement. "Good, now if you'll excuse me, I need to get ready for classes." I said, making my way out of bed and to the showers.

"Ooo! Do you know what we have this afternoon?" Vanessa squealed. Her and Alicia giggled to each other. Then I saw it, Double Defense Against the Dark Arts, with none other than the ever so famous and wonderful, Gilderoy Lockhart. This should be an interesting afternoon.

After breakfast, I noticed Ginny Weasley sitting with some other first years. But something hit me. It wasn't necessarily a vision, it was more of a feeling. Ginny had something to do with everything that would happen this year. But that couldn't be, she was just a little first year. Then again, I've never been wrong before. 

I shook off the feeling and headed to Transfiguration with Vanessa, Alicia, Fred, George, and Lee. Once again, the tables were set for only two. I tried to grab my usual spot next to Vanessa, but her and Alicia were already side by side. Of course. 

I ended up by none other than Fred Weasley. Those damn girls. Although I had a feeling that George and Lee were in on this too. McGonagall lectured on this year's curriculum, exams, and the importance of practicing. 

Transfiguration was by far one of my favorite classes. I was absolutely fascinated and intrigued by the subject. I was paying attention so intensely that I didn't notice Fred dozing off next to me.

He was beginning to drool with his head laying in his propped up elbow. "Mr. Weasley!" McGonagall called. I quickly nudged Fred's arm, shooting him awake. He had a look of shock and surprise on his face. "I believe you can tell me the answer?"

Fred didn't even know the question, let alone the answer! "Gamp's law," I whispered under my breath.

"Oh yes, er..." He took a deep breath. "The five principal exceptions to Gamp's Law are," 

"Food, love," I whispered the first two.

"Food, love," Fred repeated.

"Life, information," I continued so quietly that I was amazed Fred could even hear it.

"Life, information," He repeated again.

"And precious metals." 

"And precious metals." He finished with a proud smile. McGonagall nodded, shocked that Fred could actually give her the answer. 

See Right Through Me - A Fred Weasley Love Story (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now