Chapter Six

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**Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters, only my own.

"I like to get my homework done right away so I have time for other things." I explained, somewhat harshly. "I prefer not to wait until the last minute like some people." That one definitely came out sharper than I intended. I was never mean like this.

"Sorry for interrupting then," said Fred, defeated. He turned around and started to walk away.

"Fred, wait." I said, closing my book and causing him to stop and turn around. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that. It's just, I don't like to be bothered when I'm studying." I tried to explain, hoping Fred would forgive me for my rude behavior.

"It's okay, I understand." he said with a smile. I could see he was about to walk away again, so I stopped him before he could.

"You can stay if you'd like, I can finish this later." I told him, really hoping he would accept my offer. 

"Well, I'm certainly not one to pass up an opportunity to sit with such a fascinating witch." He grinned again, sitting on the chair across from me. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. This was such a weird feeling.

I couldn't think of anything to say, the way he was looking at me made my mind go blank. It was as if he was staring into my soul. I felt my mouth hanging open as I searched for words. Fred smiled at my attempts and finally broke the silence.

"So I assume I'll be seeing you at Quiddtich tryouts Friday?" he asked, his arms crossed on top of the table.

"Definitely, if Wood doesn't kill me first for leaving him in the dark about Harry." I joked. Once again with the joking. This wasn't me. Fred laughed slightly and grinned. 

"Wood knows better than to kill off our best chaser." he said with a smirk, causing me to blush again. "You know Asilla, I've known you all these years and I don't believe I've ever seen you this red before. Are you feeling alright?"

Why did he have to point this out? This only caused me turn turn 18 shades of pink. "Yeah, I'm fine." I finally managed to get some words out. I could just scream right now.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Vanessa and Alicia were glancing over at me and Fred, giggling and whispering. Fred seemed to have noticed who I was looking at because he asked, "So what do you think those two are talking about?"

"Erm," I tried to think of the right words to say. "Probably just girl stuff..." 

Fred just laughed. "I'm sure." He obviously knew that they were joking about how red my face was at the moment. We sat in an awkward silence for a few moments, I've never seen Fred Weasley so quiet.

But finally he spoke. "So Asilla, it seems as though we've known each other forever, but we barely know anothing about each other. Tell me about yourself."

"Well, I'm a halfblood, but I live at a muggle orphanage," I started to explain my story.

"Oh that's right, I've heard about your family." Fred said. I sighed lightly and looked down. "I'm sorry Asilla, I can't imagine what it's like to lose your entire family like that." Fred said apologetically. 

I smiled sincerely. "It's alright, made me tougher I suppose. The kids and workers at the orphanage aren't exactly the most accepting. But I've learned to deal with it."

"Is it strange living with all muggles?" asked Fred curiously.

"It's..." I pondered to find the right word, "annoying." Fred laughed at my choice, causing me to smile. 

"You're smart right?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I suppose." I wondered what he was getting at.

"Well George and I are working on some new products, but we could really use another mind to help us out." he informed me.


"Simple prank items like nosebleed nougat or puking pastilles."

"I dunno..." I said, looking away. I'm not much of a 'rule breaker'. Fred looked at me with the biggest sad eyes I've seen. My heart nearly melted. "I guess I could help a tad." But, then again I've been doing a lot of things that weren't like me these days.

"Great! You'll help us out a bunch!" said Fred excitedly.

"But this does not mean I'll do all your homework." There's the old old Asilla.

"We'll see about that." Fred smirked. I blushed again, Fred laughed, causing me to as well. His laughter and smiles are just contagious. 

The lunch bell rang and we all left the common room for the Great Hall. I tried to catch up with Vanessa and Alicia, but they obviously left quickly on purpose. Instead I walked with Fred, George, and Lee. 

As we walked, I saw a conversation playing out in my mind:

Fred and George were sitting on their beds in their dormitory, Lee digging through his trunk in the corner. "So?" George started. "Did you get her to help us?" he asked urgently. This caused Lee to perk up and listen to what the twins were saying.

"Yeah, she said she'd do it." Fred answered, but something wasn't right about the way he said it. It was as if he was, guilty.

"See, bro! I knew you could do it! You just had to use some Weasley twin charm!" George said, punching his brother playfully on the arm. Fred forced a smile, but refused to look up. "What's wrong?" George asked, finally noticing Fred's odd behavior.

"I dunno, I guess I just feel sort of, bad." he answered, shrugging.

"Why?" Then George finally understood. "Don't tell me you actually like Asilla!"

Fred looked straight at his brother with serious eyes. That was all the answer he needed.

"Asilla?" Someone was saying my name, I think it was George. I came back to reality, I didn't even realize I had stopped walking when I was having my vision.

"Are you alright?" Fred asked, looking concerned. "Did you see something? You had a strange look on your face and you were just standing there."

"Er, yeah. But it was nothing." I searched my mind for something that was about to happen. "Just that Nick was about to walk by and wave cheerily." Sure enough, Nearly Headless Nick floated by our small group and waved a hello.

The boys shrugged it off and we continued walking to lunch.

My mind couldn't help but drift off to my actual vision. It all started as a way to get me to help them with their products, Fred flirting with me. But as it turns out, Fred likes me. And I might just like him too.


Thanks so much for reading!! Sorry I've been kind of MIA on this story. I haven't been home a lot on the weekends and Wattpad wasn't working for a while. Then when it did start working again, my Internet went down. No joke, just my luck. But no worries, everything's good now!

I had so much writer's block with this chapter, but I powered through it!

Also you may have noticed that there's no Angelina Johnson in this story. It just works better for me to completely take her out of the picture, I apologize if you love her character!

Thanks again and don't forget to Comment, Fan, and Vote! xoxoxox

Edited 12//20/12

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