Chapter Fourteen

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**Disclaimer** I do not own any of the HP characters...all rights belong to JK Rowling

I didn't speak the whole way to lunch. I didn't have anything to say. My mind was so cluttered at the moment, I couldn't get a clear thought through. My friends didn't seem to have this problem though.

"Slytherin sounds like quite the looney, don't you think?" Fred asked our group as we sat down at the Gryffindor table.

"I always figured he was, but I never knew he started all this pure-blood stuff." George added. I remained silent, not even bothering to fill my plate. I wasn't hungry.

"Makes sense though, doesn't it? That's why Malfoy called Hermione and Vanessa," Alicia paused, looking at Vanessa out of the corner of her eye uncomfortably, "You-Know-Whats." she said in a low voice.

Vanessa cleared her throat. "But you can't depict Malfoy as the entire Slytherin house, although he doesn't help their cause. He's just your typical stuck up pure-blood." she pointed out.

"But have you ever heard of a muggle-born in Slytherin?" Fred asked.

"Well," Vanessa thought hard about this one. "No, actually."

"Point made." Fred said, leaning back and taking a bite out of his meatloaf.

"You don't believe all this rubbish that Harry is their heir, do you?" Alicia asked, almost in a whisper.

We were all silent. But I couldn't take anymore. "Harry's not the heir." I said, sternly. They all looked at me with confusion. "Don't tell me you honestly believe Filch's lies and all the rumors. How could Harry have petrified Mrs. Norris? He's too young." I pointed out, once again.

"Well, anyone who's the heir to Slytherin would obviously have to be a pretty powerful wizard, right?" George said. "It's possible that even a second year could do that kind of magic, if they have Slytherin blood in them of course."

"But anyone with Slytherin blood would have to be a Slytherin, not a Gryffindor. It's not Harry." I stated, matter-of-factly. 

"Alright then, say it's not Harry -"

"It's not." I broke off George with a cold voice.

"Okay, it's not Harry. Then who is it?" he asked.

 They all paused, thinking of possible suspects. "Well, Malfoy sure piped up pretty quick at the scene." Alicia said, causing nods all around.

"It would make sense, Malfoy's definitely all about the pure-bloods. He's your sterotypical Slytherin." Vanessa added.

"He's enough of a little weasel to do it, but I personally don't think he's smart enough." Fred said, making a point.

"Yeah, Malfoy's too dim-witted to be able to petrify someone, even if he is related to Slytherin." George said.

"Okay, well if it's not Harry, and it's not Malfoy, then who?" I asked again.

No one spoke.


The rest of the week I was still restless. I needed to know who was doing all this, but I couldn't see anything, my mind was too cluttered. Everytime I closed my eyes it was as if I was being bombarded with thoughts. And with an umcoming Quidditch match against Slytherin, I couldn't have that.

I was about to do something I might regret, but I was desperate.

I walked up the staircase slowly, pulling down the ladder to climb up to the Divination classroom. "Professor Trelawney?" I asked, poking my head around in search of her. "Professor?" I asked again.

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