Chapter One

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**Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters, all rights go to the wonderful J.K. Rowling :)

I woke up screaming. It was a week before I left for Hogwarts, and I'd had the dream again. This time I saw bodies of students, they weren't dead, but they weren't necessarily alive. I saw a large, snake-like creature, there was something about it's eyes, but I couldn't figure it out. There was also a long, dark walkway with water on either side. At the end of the walkway was a large stone carving of a face, I didn't know whose. There was a black book lying in a puddle, blood soaking through it's pages. 

Somehow, through all these bad things, I kept seeing something that brought warmth to my heart. There was a tall, red-headed boy constantly smiling at me. I wasn't sure what it meant, but I did know that I wanted to see him again. 

I wrote to Dumbledore immediately, telling him exactly what I saw, except for the boy of course. I tried to shake him out of my mind and think about what the dream was really about. Were students going to die? I shuddered at the thought. All I knew was that it was going to be an interesting year. 


Hansel, one of the ladies from the orphanage, dropped me off at Diagon Alley to collect my school supplies. All of the workers knew my secret, but she was the only one who treated me no different than the other kids. "I'll meet you back here by four." she said as we stood in front of an antique shop a block away from the Leaky Couldron.

"Okay." I said as she started back to the car. "Hansel," she stopped and turned back around. "Thank you." I said sincerely. She just smiled and nodded, getting back in the car. If it wasn't for her, I would've left the orphanage a long time ago.

I walked to the Leaky Couldron and headed straight for the back wall once I got there. I tapped the bricks accordingly and entered Diagon Alley. I always loved coming here, just being around other magical folk made me feel at home.

I decided to visit the Apothecary first to refresh my potion supplies. After I was finished there I couldn't help but stop at Broomstix. I was dying to have a new broom. I opened the door to the shop and saw a wide collection of brooms. There was the newest broom, the Nimbus 2001. It was jet black and looked quite intimidating. But it was definitely out of my price range. 

Then I saw a stock of the brooms Harry had, Nimbus 2000's. It was about 38 galleons, in my price range. I had inherited all my parents and unlce's money when they died, since I was the only family member left. The shopkeeper was nice enough to put it in an enchanted expandable bag so that it would be easier to carry around.

I thanked him and headed to Flourish and Blotts for my new books. I looked down at my annual Hogwarts letter to check exactly what I would need, The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 4) by Miranda Goshawk, and seven books by some Gilderoy Lockhart. That was a bit strange. I shrugged and entered the shop.

There was a huge mob of people, it was never usually this busy. I pushed my way through the crowd of people, just trying to find the books I needed and get out. Then I saw him, not in person, but in my mind. The boy from my dream would be standing with Harry Potter a few rows over. I had to get over there.

Just as I was about to turn the other way to where the boy would be, I ran into someone. I heard a squeal and looked up to see a girl with black, curly hair and sparkling blue eyes. "Asilla!" Vanessa shrieked. 

"Vanessa!" I called back, finally realizing that my best friend was standing in front of me. "How are you?" I asked, looking over her shoulder for any sign of the boy.

"Great! Have you met Gilderoy Lockhart yet?" she asked with a certain glow in her eyes.

"Who?" I asked, although I swore I just heard that name somewhere.

"Asilla! How can you not know who he is! I'm a muggle born and I know who he is!"

"Well, who is he then?"

"Only the greatest and most handsome wizard to ever exist!" she informed me with a little too much enthusiasm. "He's signing his books now! You have to meet him!" Before I could object she was dragging me by the hand to the front of a long line. 

"Well hello there ladies!" said a devilishly handsome man with wavy blonde hair, particularly straight and shiny teeth, blue eyes, and flamboyant pink robes. 

"Hi Gilderoy!" Vanessa said, almost flirting. "I'm Vanessa and this is my friend, Asilla!"

"It is my pleasure to meet the both of you!" he said with his large smile. "Now, would you like me to sign your books?"

"Yes!" Vanessa sqeauled again, handing him his autobiography. He signed it happily and looked to me.

"What about you miss?" he asked, waiting for me to hand him something to autograph. 

"Er," I stuttered. Then I saw him, in person this time. But, there was two of him. "I'll be right back," I said to Vanessa, ignoring her and Lockhart's objections to my walking away.

The two boys seemed to be talking to a short, plump, and also red-headed woman. I felt rude intruding on their conversation so instead I just stared at the boys. They couldn't be who I thought they were. It was the Weasley twins! We were on the Quidditch team together, how did I not recognize Fred as the one in my dream?

I've known Fred and George ever since I came to Hogwarts, we were decent friends. Being on the Quidditch team together I got to know them a bit better. I noticed the boys about to look my way and hid behind the bookshelf quickly. It couldn't be Fred Weasley, we were friends, but nothing more. We barely even talked outside of Quidditch. 

"Asilla! There you are!" Vanessa said, coming up behind me and causing me to jump. "Did I startle you? How's that even possible?" she asked with a laugh. No one is ever able to sneak up on me, I can see them before they can.

"I guess I was distracted," I confessed, it was true, I was thinking about Fred. "But never mind that, let's buy these and get some ice cream?" I asked, Vanessa nodded in agreement. We purchased our course books and left the shop. I took one last glance at Fred before we got into the street. 

We walked to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor in the late August sun. I ordered a chocolate mint while Vanessa got a chocolate raspberry. We sat a table outside the shop and decided to catch up on our summers.

Apparently Vanessa and her parents went on a short vacation to France, where her mother is from. "You should really see some of the women there!" she exclaimed as she licked her cone. We laughed together and continued to chat. "So," Vanessa looked at me very seriously. "Did you have that dream yet?" she asked. She was the only one, aside from some of the professors, that knew about my major predictions before each school year. 

"Yes," I answered quietly.

"Well?" she urged me to answer completely. I told her everything I saw, leaving out Fred of course. "So what does all that mean then?"

"I don't know, Vanessa, but it's not good." We both looked at each other nervously. I instinctively looked at the clock on one of the sides of the shops. I only had five minutes to get back to Hansel!  "Shoot, I need to get going! I'll see you on the train!" I called out to Vanessa and I ran to the wall connecting Diagon Alley to the Leaky Couldron.

I bid Tom the barman goodbye as I hurried out into the street. I barely made it to the corner before Hansel.

"Have a good shop?" She asked as I got in the car.

"It was, interesting." I sighed. I stared out the window as we drove. Why couldn't I stop thinking of that ruddy red head?

 Edited 12/20/12

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