Chapter Three

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**Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters!

My heart skipped a beat when I realized who it was. My heart has never done anything like that before. After my uncle Tiberius died, I just chose to put my emotions away, so I could never be hurt again.

"Either of you two lovely ladies seen my brother or Harry anywhere?" Fred asked with a grin.

"Wood is about to go mad." George added. Wood would be worried that his star Seeker was no where to be found on the train. 

"Actually I did see both of them, but not where you'd expect." I said with a small laugh. The boys looked at me curiously. George closed the compartment door while Fred sat down by me. George preceeded to sit across from us by Vanessa.

"And where would that be?" Fred asked in such a away that I felt my heart flutter again. I moved a piece of loose hair behind my ear. I tried to get my mouth to form words, but I ended up with my jaw hanging open awkwardly.

Vanessa seemed to notice my struggle and answered for me. I'd have to thank her later for that. "She saw them miss the train. They decided to be all adventurous and take your dad's flying car instead." she explained.

The twins just looked at each other and laughed. "Why didn't we think of that?" Fred asked, shaking his head to control the laughter.

"I dunno Fred," George started. "So do they make it?" he asked. No one knew until last year that I was a True Seer. To be honest, I didn't want them to. I was afraid people would think of me as a basket case. I didn't want to be the freak of Hogwarts, I already have that role at the orphanage. 

People only found because I saw the whole Sorcer's Stone fiasco with Harry. Divination didn't help my cause either. I was the only one in my year who could tolerate it. But even I think some of that stuff is complete rubbish.

I got back to answering their question. "Well, somewhat. They had a bit of a run in with the Whomping Willow."

They laughed again. "That's definitely something Ron would do." George said.

"Mum's not gonna be happy when she finds out!" Fred added.

"Actually, she sends him a Howler." I told them, causing them to laugh even harder. Vanessa and I had to laugh to, you couldn't be in the same room as these two and not laugh.

"I can't wait to see that!" Fred said, nearly hysterical.

"Tell me," George tried to stifle his laughter long enough to ask. "What was the look on Ron's face?"

I giggled thinking about it again. "Worse than the look he wears when he sees a spider." The twins had to wipe away tears from laughing so hard thinkning about their brother.

"Well at least Harry lives, otherwise I think we would have to take Wood to the mental ward!" Fred joked. 

"I'm sure he'll probably end up drowning himself in the showers at some point this year anyway." George added. We all continued to laugh together, these two just wouldn't quit with the jokes! My side was starting to hurt from all the giggles. 

The train hit a slight bump and since both Fred and I's hands were on the seat, they ended up touching slightly. We glanced at each other but I looked away quickly. Why did I feel like this? I've spent the last seven years gaurding my heart, and now I'm about to wear it on my sleeve. 

"Well ladies," Fred started.

"As wonderful as it is chatting with you," George continued.

"I'm afraid we must bid you ado." Fred finished in a mock formal voice. They both stood up and walked to the compartment door.

"Later!" They said together, sliding the door shut. Vanessa and I were left in a silence. I looked out the window, trying to avoid her gaze. I could tell she was staring me down.

"What?" I finally asked, unable to handle her glare any longer.

"Does Asilla fancy a certain Weasley boy?" she asked with a smirk. I should've known better than to hide this from her, she was too clever when it came to this stuff. I caught her eye and looked away. I hoped she would take that as my answer so I didn't have to say it out loud. "When did this happen?"

"Well," I took a deep breath. "I saw him in a dream, but I didn't realize it was him until I saw him in person."

"I never thought you were much of the boyfriend type," she pointed out.

"Believe me, I didn't either. But this doesn't even mean we'll get together! We're just friends and teammates." I said matter-of-factly.

"You'll get together." she said with another smirk and crossed her arms.

"I think I would know more than you." She scowled when I said this. "Look, Vanessa, just forget about it okay. I'm sure it's just a phase. I'll probably be over it by next week." But I knew that was a lie.

We made it the rest of the way to the Hogsmeade station without bringing up the twins, thankfully. I let Vanessa know when we were about there so we could put on our school robes. Just as I had predicted the train came to a stop right after we were changed out of our muggle clothes. 

My mind was still distracted by Fred so I didn't even see myself running into someone outside the compartment. "Watch where you're going Williams." the blond boy sneered. 

"How about you bugger off Malfoy." I retorted once I realized who it was. I couldn't stand this bloke.

"Touchy. I see you're still hanging around the Mudblood." he directed at Vanessa. Just as I opened my mouth to say something back, a familiar voice interrupted me.

"Don't you have better things to do Malfoy?" George scoffed.

"How about you take you and and your thick-skulled friends," he motioned towards Crabbe and Goyle. "And have a dip with the Giant Squid."

"How about you and the rest of your blood-traiting family curl up in your sock drawer. Since that's about all you can afford." Malfoy sneered again, getting a laugh out of Crabbe and Goyle. But just when Malfoy thought he won he jumped nearly five feet in the air, clutching his buttox. 

Fred and George burst out laughing. Malfoy glared at the four of us and stomped off. "Thanks guys," Vanessa murmured. She hated being called a, you-know-what. 

"Anytime." they said together. It was almost scary how they could do that. We continued to the carriages and chose one together. I sat next to Vanessa, Fred and George across from us. Most of the students think that the carriages pull themselves. But that's because they can't see them, the thestrals that is. Only people who've seen death can see them, that's what Dumbledore told me. Since I watched my uncle pass away, I can see the skeletal winged horses clear as day.

I didn't realize how much I was staring at the horses until Fred said something. "See anything interesting down there?" 

I came back from my thoughts, "What? Oh, no. Just thinking." I stuttered nervously. Why was I nervous? I've known Fred since my first year at Hogwarts and I've been perfectly fine. Why has one dream ruined all of that? I caught Vanessa's eye briefly but looked away. 

I did not fancy Fred Weasley. At least, I don't think I did. I think I think too much.

Edited 12/20/12

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