Chapter Nineteen

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**Disclaimer** I do not own any of the HP characters, only my own.

I woke up Christmas morning to find a load of packages at the end of my bed. I looked around the room for my friends, until I remembered that they had gone home for the holidays. I swung my legs over my four poster and sat up. I slipped on my night shoes and walked to the end of my bed with a yawn.

I've never had this many gifts and letters before. I usually only have a letter from both Alicia and Vanessa, but this year I have three times as many. There were the two usual packages, plus one  each from Fred and George, a bulging envelope from Hansel, and an unaddressed letter.

I opened Alicia's first. Inside was a note that read: Happy Christmas! and a new light green knit sweater. Next I tore into Vanessa's package. She had a note that said: To this Christmas, and the many more to come! Love, Vanessa. Then, underneath the tissue paper, was a large book with the title Dream Keeping for the Gifted Seer. I had been looking for this book for ages, but its too rare to find at a common bookstore. I had to thank Vanessa for that one.

I set the book and sweater aside to make room for my other gifts. I received a package of nosebleed nougats from George with a note that said Get out of class free! and a rather overwhelming amount of pumpkin pasties from Fred. His note read, I know these are your favourite. Happy Christmas, Asilla.

I couldn't help but smile. But there was something else tugging at the back of my mind. There was the vision I'd had a few months ago where the twins were discussing how I was just a pawn in their plan to improve their pranks. Fred probably doesn't even like me. It's all for show to sweet talk me into helping them. 

I already knew what was in the other two letters, that's why I had to open Hansel's first. I tore open the envelope and dropped a necklace with a silver chain and blue stone into my palm. The stone was so shiny, I could see my own reflection perfectly. Her letter wasn't long, it merely read:


I decided it was about time to hand this off to you. It belonged to your mother. It was passed down to her by her great-grandmother who had it passed down to her from many generations before. It's unsure where exactly the stone came from, but it is said to create a clean mind and a level head. Although, it only works if you are a seer. Use it wisely and, Happy Christmas.


I examined the blue stone carefully, twirling it between my fingers. I unclasped the latch and threw it over my neck, re-hooking it. I put my hand over the stone and closed my eyes. For the first time in months, I felt relaxed. My visions were smoother, my head didn't ache. I could be rational again. 

I rolled my head around, loosening up my neck. I took slow, deep breaths. Where was this necklace a couple months ago when I really needed it?

I finally made my way to the last letter. It was from Dumbledore.


First of all, Happy Christmas! I would like to thank you for all of your help this year. Your knowledge could very well save lives in this castle. If you ever see anything else, be sure to come straight to me. I trust you, Asilla, don't let me down.

Also, if it comes up, I rather enjoy lemon drops.


Of course there's more to come this year, the Chamber is still open. But now I know, it's my job to stop whatever does happen. No pressure.

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