Chapter Sixteen

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**Disclaimer** I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters, only my own

Now that was something I certainly did not see coming.

Fred Weasley just confessed to liking me.

My heart was about to beat right out of my chest. It was so loud, I was afraid he could hear it.

But something else interrupted my thoughts. I got up, causing Fred to stand as well. "Asilla?" he asked, confused about my actions. 

I had to get to the staircase. I sprinted out of the common room, Fred following close behind. "Asilla!" he shouted. "Asilla! Wait!" But there was no time to wait. I ran down the steps two stairs at a time. I was nearing the hospital wing.

Click! Was the first thing I heard, then a sizzling noise, as if something was being cooked. I gasped at the sight I saw when I turned the corner. "Asilla?" Fred said again, breathing hard. His face froze when he saw the body on the floor. "What the -"

"Another attack," I whispered. Colin Creevey lay on the stairs, his body as stiff as a plank of wood. There were some grapes next to him, his eyes were wide and his hands were holding his camera in front of his face. 

I looked down the hall, trying to see any sign of his attacker. Nothing. "Get Dumbledore, McGonagall, Flitwick anyone!" I ordered Fred. He nodded his head and ran off in the other direction. I pressed my finger lightly on Colin's forehead, he was ice cold. 

A few minutes later, Fred returned with Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall. Dumbledore was wearing a long woolly dressing gown and a nightcap. McGonagall too was in a nightdress, her hair in a loose bun behind her head. 

"Miss Williams," McGonagall started. "Did you see this event?" 

"Yes, Professor," I gulped. "But I was too late."

"Did you see his attacker?" she asked.

I shook my head. "No, Professor."

"We should take him to Madam Pomfrey at once. Minerva, help me with the body. Mr. Weasley, please return to your common room, and Miss Williams, come with us." Everyone nodded their head at Dumbledore's request.

I looked at Fred for help, but he had nothing to say. He turned around and walked back up the stairs. I ruined everything between us. He finally confesses to liking me and I have to go and have a vision. This was one of the mere burdens of being a True Seer.

Dumbledore grabbed Colin's shoulders, McGonagall his feet. They walked him the short distance to the hospital wing. Once inside, they heaved him onto a bed.

"Get Madam Pomfrey," whispered Dumbeldore to McGonagall. She hurried out of sight into Madam Pomfrey's office. The two returned not too much later, Madam Pomfrey pulling a cardigan over her nightdress. She gasped at the sight of the lifeless body.

"What happened?" She whispered to Dumbeldore, bending over the statue on the bed. 

"Another Attack," said Dumbledore. "Miss Williams found him on the stairs."

"There was a bunch of grapes next to him," said Professor McGonagall. "We think that he was trying to sneak up here to visit Potter."

"Petrified?" whispered Madam Pomfrey.

"Yes," said Professor McGonagall. "But I shudder to think...If Miss Williams hadn't seen the attack in advance, or Albus had been on his way downstairs for hot chocolate - who knows what might have -"

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