Chapter Five

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**Disclaimer: I do not own any of the HP characters

"Come on Vanessa, we already talked about this." I wined, trying to get off the subject.

"Yes, but I know there's more to it than what you're telling me. Spill." she demanded. I knew she wouldn't rest until she knew every little detail.

"Fine," I caved. "Ever since I had that dream I've felt all foolish when I'm around him. I don't understand it!" I explained.

"Well, if you saw Fred in your dream doesn't that mean you'll like, get together?" Vanessa asked curiously.

"I dunno. I don't want to fall in love though."

"Why not?" Alicia asked frantically.

"Because," I paused and took a deep breath. I couldn't believe I was about to admit this. "Because I'm afraid."

"You? Afraid? But you're not afraid of anything!" Vanessa exclaimed.

"That's what worries me. Look let's just forget about this whole thing and try to move on!" I begged. As much as I wanted to forget about the dream and Fred, I didn't. I wanted him, and I wanted him badly. But I couldn't think like that, that's not me. I'm Asilla Williams, I'm tough as nails. I'm one of the smartest in our year and nothing can stop me from achieving my goals. Especially not a bloody red head.

The girls finally stopped harrassing me and turned out their lights. I did the same and laid my head on my pillow. Fred wouldn't even go for a girl like me, would he? I've got to stop thinking about this. I tried relaxing and clearing my mind, attempting to have sleep take over. But my mind kept drifting from Fred, to the frozen students, to the snake, to the black book. I didn't understand any of it.

My inner eye was a blessing, no doubt, but at times like these, it was also a curse.

"Asilla! Wake up!" someone squealed in my ear as they shook me awake. I groaned and rolled over, not letting any light into my eyes. "Asilla come on! It's the first day of classes! You'll be late!"

That finally got me going. I opened my eyes to see, of course, Vanessa standing over me. "How much sleep did you get last night?" she asked, taking in my dreadful appearance. 

"Not much, I had a lot on my mind." I told her, yawning heavily.

"Such as Fred Weasley?" she snickered.

"Oh shut it." I scoffed. She just smiled and went to change into her robes. I walked slowly to the showers and washed up. I noticed I had large, dark circles under my eyes. I tried covering them up best I could with my make-up, but it was no use. I pulled my long, auburn hair into a low ponytail that swung over my shoulder. I then threw on my robes and grabbed my bag. 

I walked with Vanessa and Alicia down to the Great Hall for breakfast. People were still buzzing about Harry and Ron's entrance last night. We saw the two sitting with Hermione and decided to sit just down from them. 

Just as I was about to grab a plate of kippers, I saw something. The mail was arriving soon and Ron was going to get the Howler I saw on the train. I looked over at him, he was talking to Neville Longbottom and I felt rude intruding on their conversation.

"Asilla?" Vanessa started. "Did you see something?"

"When mail comes, you might want to cover your ears." I informed her. It took her a moment to understand what I meant. I then saw Fred, George, and Lee about to walk in the Hall. They better hurry or they'll miss Ron's Howler. 

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