Chapter Seventeen

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**Disclaimer** I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters, all rights remain to JK Rowling.

The bright Sunday morning sun caused my eyelids to flutter open. I yawned heavily, stretching out my arms. I then turned to Vanessa's four-poster, only to find it empty. I let out a sigh and sat up. She was still mad at me for insulting her favorite teacher. We definitely needed to talk.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, and ran my fingers through my tangled hair. I blinked more sleep out of my eyes and stumbled into the washroom. I turned the sink on and cupped the warm water in my hands, splashing it on my face.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was different. Last week I had bags under my eyes and my whole face just seemed to droop. Now, I looked happy. My eyes were glimmering, even more than they used to, and my skin was glowing like the sun. 

Then I thought again of the friend I had hurt, and my face fell immediately. I had to find Vanessa, I needed to clear things up. I was not going to let a few harsh words about a teacher ruin our friendship.

I cleared my mind and saw that she would be finishing breakfast soon, and heading to the library to study. I needed to catch her before then.

I changed into jeans and a tee - considering it was the weekend and we didn't need to wear our robes - and threw my hair into a low ponytail. I hustled down the steps to the common room, trying to get to the Great Hall as fast as possible. 

"Asilla!" I heard my name being called as I darted through the common room. I stopped on my heels and turned around to see who it was. Of course, Fred was sitting on the couch with George and Lee. "Where are you going in such a rush this morning?" He asked with his signature Cheshire cat grin.

"I need to talk to Vanessa, I'll see you guys later." I told him, waving and turning back around to continue my speedy attempt to beat Vanessa to the library.

I could hear him start to say something, but I couldn't make it out completely as I was already hopping through the portrait hole. I raced down the stairs, not worrying about the burning in my calves and thighs. Vanessa is more important. 

I maneuvered around some second-year Hufflepuffs and narrowly avoided a collision with a nasty looking Slytherin boy. But, finally, I spotted her walking with her head down in the opposite direction.

"Vanessa!" I called out. She ignored me. I dashed over to her. "Vanessa," I said, my breathing heavy. "We need to talk."

She glared at me. "There's nothing to talk about." she spat.

"Vanessa, look, I know you're mad at me for what I said about Lockhart. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it, I was just so heated in the moment. You have to understand, please." I begged her, hoping she would just forgive me.

"You really offended me," she said, her voice calmer than I expected.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I was just, frustrated. Please," I begged again, my voice strained. I know that Vanessa probably over-reacted, but that was just her. I wasn't going to let something so ridiculous take away such a great friend.

"Promise me you won't say any more bad things about Lockhart?" She said, raising an eyebrow.

"I promise." I said with an encouraging smile. Vanessa returned the grin and we both hugged. 

"You know, as bad as I feel for Harry, you have to admit, the look an Lockhart's face when he saw Harry's rubber arm was priceless." Vanessa said. We both laughed.

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