She Heard.

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Toby's POV

"Caleb calm down." I say as Caleb continues to pace up and down of the guys restroom in the Rosewood court room.

"How can I calm down? I just basically admitted I still love Hanna to her and everyone we know!!"
"I'm sure she didn't even notice."
"Did you?" Ezra nodded.
"So what me and Ezra noticed but I'm sure Hanna didn't."

Caleb put his head in his hands. We had just come out of Charlotte's hearing and Caleb had accidentally confessed his love for his ex girlfriend, Hanna. She's engaged and it's pretty hard on Caleb. Me and Caleb went fishing last summer and he had been a mess, he still is. Hanna is the only girl he's ever loved.

"God I'm such an idiot."

*ring ring ring*

I answer the phone. It's Spencer.

"Hey where are you?"
"In the bathroom Caleb is freaking out"
Caleb threw his hands in the air mentally telling me I'm stupid.

"Yeah is he okay?"
"He'll be okay, did Hanna hear?"
"She did but tell Caleb not to worry I don't think she will take it to heart."
"Yeah I'll tell him. Do you need a ride?"
"Would you mind? Hanna gave me a lift here and she wants to leave to see Jordan."
"Sure meet me out front."

I hang up the phone.

"I gotta give Spencer a lift home, she told me yes Hanna heard but she doesn't think she will take to seriously"
Caleb sighed. I said goodbye and made my way out to the front to meet Spencer.

"Ready to go?"

The drive was pretty silent but not awkward, we pulled up outside the Hastings household and Spencer undid her seat belt. She looked at me.

"Do you want to come in? Adam will want to see you."
"Yeah I'd love to"

Spencer put the key in the door, walked in and dumped her handbag on the table. Mrs Hastings was sat on the couch looking the campaign pages and Adam was sat on the floor playing with a little people castle.

"Daddy!!!" Adam said when he saw me, he ran up into my arms and I picked him up"

"Hey champ"

Mrs Hastings looked up and noticed we had walked in the door, she got up and walked over to talk to us.

"Hi Toby"
"Hi Mrs Hastings how are you doing?"
"Good thank you. How did the trail go?"
"Good apart from Caleb accidentally said he loves Hanna" Spencer explained.

"Oh no what did she do?"
"Nothing but Caleb is freaking out."

"Daddy when can I stay at yours again?"
"When your mommy says it's okay with her."

Spencer checked her phone quickly before replying.

"Um well I don't know how long we will be here. Can you do tonight?"

"Yeah I can there's just something I need to tell you."

Spencer looked confused. I don't think I can tell her but I've met someone else and I want Adam to meet her. I'm planning to propose but not while Spencer is still in town.

Spencer walked me out into the barn so we could talk.

"What's up?"
"Um I've met someone and I want Adam to meet her tonight"
She looked uneasy, I instantly feel guilty and want to take it back.

"Okay, well er yeah that should be fine. Who is she?"

"Yvonne Philips"
"Yvonne as in the daughter of the other candidate in my moms campaign?"
"Yeah is that a problem?"
"NO! I mean no its not."

I leave soon after I told Spencer about Yvonne. I feel bad but we need to move on.

Spencer's POV

He found someone else. He's moved on. That house is probably for her and there I was thinking he wanted to take me out on a date.

I'm just packing Adams bag and I'm leaving soon to go and drop him off at Toby's. Adam is sat on my bed playing with his Woody and Buzz toys.

I decided to talk to him as I pack his bag because if I don't I will cry. It's hard enough to drop him off in the first place but knowing he's staying with Toby and his new girlfriend makes me extra nervous.

"So are you excited to see daddy?"
"Yea he said he has a surprise."
"That should be nice."

I zip up his bag and put his shoes on.

"So I'll pick you up in the morning and if you want me just ask daddy to call me okay"

I strap him into the car seat and drive over to Toby's.

It's just turned 5 in the evening and I can feel the tears rising to the surface again. I've been dropping Adam off every two weeks for 2 years but it's still hard.

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