The Melody Lingers On

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Spencer's POV

I let Caleb in and asked him if he wanted any coffee.

"Coffee would be great, where should I set up?"

"Er the coffee the table should be good."

Caleb sat down on the couch while I poured some coffee, he pulled out a laptop and all sorts. He must really want Hanna back just like I want Toby back. I brought the coffee over and placed them on the table.

"So where's Adam?"
"He is still asleep, Yvonne made him have a panic attack yesterday." I say as I sit down.
"She what?" Caleb was still logging on to the laptop and setting out all the things we were going to need.

"She made him have a panic attack, do you remember that one summer me, you, Hanna and Toby had a barbecue and me and Toby got in an argument over work?"
"Yeah and Adam got himself in a state and couldn't breath."
"Yeah well she fought with Toby, he did his best to shut her up but Adam was already struggling."

He sighed and rubbed his hand over his mouth.

"I'm so sorry Spencer"

"Yeah well it really scared me when I got him home, trust me spending the night in the ER was the last thing I needed."

"I promise I'll help you win him back after everything you guys have been through you should be together. Adam needs his dad"

"And I promise I'll help you win Hanna back because she's my best friend and the Princess and the hacker sounds like the new best selling book"

"Yeah that sounds like a good Fitzgerald book" Caleb laughs.

"Toby had been rereading Fitzgerald all through college"

"Last time I checked he is still reading them."

I get the giggles.

"Your probably right".

Me and Caleb make a start, going over the details of how things got so messed up and things like what could we do to make them see that they're making a mistake.

At around 11am Adam emerges from my bedroom, rubbing his eyes and he makes his way to the couch.

"Hey sweetie." I say picking him up and sitting him on my lap.

"Hi uncle Caleb"

"Hey sleepy head." Caleb ruffles his hair, Adam has the same hair as Toby and his blue eyes but people say he looks me.

Personally I don't see it, I can only see Toby in him.

"Daddy came by to see you last night but you were already asleep."

"Did the mean lady come?" He starts snuffling and breathing heavily.

"No she didn't don't worry daddy told her off, you don't have to see her again."

He starts calming down and his heart rate goes back to normal. I get out some toys and give him some ceral to snack on. I sit back down with Caleb, who is smiling at photos of Hanna.

"See what I mean? He gets worked up just thinking about her."

"Yeah, she must have really scared him. I think you should probably call Toby and let him see him."

"Yeah I'll call him and I think you should answer you phone because it's been going crazy all morning"

"It has?"

He picks up his phone and then starts packing up.

"It's Hanna she needs me"
"Well go and good luck not that you'll need it."

He leaves and I call Toby.

"Hey Tobes, I was just wondering if you want to Spend time with Adam today?"
"I have to work but it's only paper work so he can come with me, but only if that's okay?"
"Yeah I'm sure he will love that, it'll give me time to get some work done for my mom"
"Awesome can you drop him off at work in an hour?"
"Sure, See you then."

I hang the phone and sit next to Adam on the floor.

"that was daddy he's going to take you to see the police station."
"Yeah you like going to daddy's office don't you."

I sighed. God I'm so in love with Toby.

Caleb's POV

I quickly rush out to my car, I hadn't realised my phone had been going off until Spencer said it had.

10 missed calls from Hanna

Hanna: Caleb can you come over to my moms?

Hanna: please I really need you.

Hanna: I'm sorry if what happened at the Radley made things awkward.

Hanna: just the Charlotte getting released is making me panic.

Hanna: please Caleb.

Hanna: I need you.

My heart was pounding by the time I reached the Marin house. I banged on the door hoping I wasn't too late.

Mrs Marin answered the door and she smiled when she saw me.

"Caleb it's your day off shouldn't you be having a chilled day."

"Hanna needs me she text me, I was helping Spencer with some stuff and I didn't realise my phone was going crazy."

"She's upstairs." I slip past Mrs Marin and basically fly up the stairs, I can't tell you how many times I've done that before.

Hanna's door is closed, I knock quietly on the door.

"I don't wanna talk mom."

"Han it's me"

"Caleb" she opens the door and flings her arms around me.

I sighed. God I'm so in love with Hanna.

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