Hit With The Truth

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Spencer's POV

The day has finally come for me to move to Paris. As my mom finished getting Adam ready for Toby's wedding I was putting my last bag in the car ready to drive to the airport.

"Where's momma going?" Adam cried as I was coming through the door.

"Mommy's going on a trip, and you mister are going to daddy's wedding."
My mom explained, then Adam turned his attention to me.

"Is he mawring the mean lady?"

I walked over to the kitchen counter, which Adam was sat on, and stood infront of him.

"Now me and you need stick together because daddy is going to marry her but daddy still loves us. Yvonne wants to be your friend."

"But she made me cry."

"Do you remember at school Billy pushed in the sand and you thought he didn't like you?"

"Yeah he was mean then."

I smiled and tickled Adam slightly making him giggle.

"Well it turns he just wanted to be your friend but he didn't know how to be nice like you."

"So I taught him how to be nice."

"Exactly and so I need you to be Superman today and teach Yvonne how to play nice because she wants to be your friend just like Billy did."

"And Biwly is my best friend."

Adam raised his hand in the pretending to be superman, I picked him and put him on the floor so he could run around.

My mom put her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm very proud of you."
"Yeah well just because I don't want Toby to get married to someone else Adams the one that matters."

My mom laughed.

"You never think you'll make sacrifices for people until you have a child."


"He's here." The nurse showed me and Toby our son, he was covered in blood but you could tell he looked just like Toby.


The nurse handed placed the baby in my arms.

"I'm proud of you Spence." Toby played with my hair.

"I'm proud of me too." I wisper, my attention fully on my new baby.

"So Erica named him Adam."

"Yeah." My fingers played with Adams.

"He's perfect."

"Yeah well he  definitely has your blue eyes."

"So he should definitely have a way with the ladies."

We both laugh.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves but I get what you mean."

Me and Toby just can't wipe the smiles of our faces.

*end of flashback*

"Spencer sweetie?"
"Are you okay? You look like your away with the faires."
"Yeah I'm fine I'm just thinking about Paris."

I walk past my mom, grab my phone and call for Adam so I can drop him off at Hanna and Caleb's. Since I'm not going to the wedding my parents aren't either, my friends are going though because they are still friends with Toby.

Hanna opened the door and smiled at both me and Adam

"Well who looks like the most handsome boy in all of dino world?"

Hanna picked Adam up and tickled him.


Caleb entered into the room and came to the door behind Hanna.

"Careful Hanna I hear boys who are kings of dino's can be dangerous."

"No I'm not. I'm a big boy."

Caleb ruffled Adams hair and Adam laughed.

"I'm sure you are."

"Well I should probably get going."

Hanna put Adam down so he could hug me goodbye, I bent down and hugged him back.

"Bye bye Mamma."

"Promise me you'll be a good boy for Auntie Hanna and Uncle Caleb. And remember our secret mission."

"Yeah I'm going to be super man." I pulled away and then hugged Hanna.

"Make sure you send me pictures I want to see everything."

"I will I promise."

I can feel the tears Coming so I had to get out while I could control them. I waved goodbye and drove to the airport.

Goodbye Rosewood.

Toby's POV

Keep calm Toby. It's just your wedding day. Shit. It's my wedding day.

The guests were now filling into the church and I had butterflies in my stomach. Ezra and Caleb walked round the back of the church where I was nervously waiting to get started.

"Dude you okay?" Caleb waved his hand infront of my face.

"I'm getting married."

"You've only just realised?" Ezra laughed.

"Okay let's do this." I say walking between them and then standing at the front of the church.

Caleb's POV

Toby just stood at the front of the church when me and Ezra had to follow.

"Am I the only that thinks this is going to go horribly wrong?" I tell Ezra hoping he will feel the same way.

"Well I know I'm defiantly not the only one that wishes that this was a Spencer and Toby wedding and not a Toby and old witch wedding."

I chuckle.

"You got that right."

We reached the front of the church and the music started playing implying Yvonne was on her way. The girls took their seats at the front and we stood behind Toby.

Yvonne walked down the isle with her  dad and was smiling at Toby the entire time. Toby however seemed nervous, distracted even. I could tell he wasn't thinking straight.

Yvonne reached the front of the church and everyone seated themselves ready for the service.

"We are gathered her today to witness and celebrate the love between Yvonne Philips and Toby Cavanaugh.

I made eye contact with Hanna and the other girls, it felt weird without Spencer here. She should be stood where Yvonne was, we promised her we would stand by Toby no matter what happened but I just couldn't shake the feeling of. Disaster.

Adam was stood between me and Ezra and he was actually handling it really well. He had told me and Hanna on the way that he had a top secret mission to teach Yvonne how to play nice. Adam maybe clever but I don't think that cute face could achieve the impossible.

"Repeat after me. I take the Toby."

"I take the Toby."

I could feel the awkwardness in the room when it came to Toby time to say I do.

"Repeat after me. I take the Yvonne."

Toby's mouth opened to talk but what came out wasn't what we all thought he would say.

"I take the Spencer."

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