Telling the others

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Spencer's POV

"Mom?" Adam shouts from the other room.

"What's the matter?" I call back.

"where's the TV remote?"

"Everyone will be here any minute now so no TV for the moment."

"fine." he huffs.

Toby walked out the bathroom in just a towel and I couldn't help but stare.

"Spencer? Earth to Spencer Cavanaugh."


"Stop staring."

"Why?" I giggle.

"Because the others are coming over and I have a feeling they won't want to see me half naked."

He walks towards me, slowly.

"I wouldn't want to make them jelous that I'm married to you and their not."

Toby chuckles and walks away to go and get dressed. Once he did I walked down stairs and made sure everything looked perfect. I had nothing else to do when there was a knock at the door.

I opened the door, Hanna, Caleb, Evie, Aria and Ezra all bustle in.

"Hey guys, where's Ali and Em?"

"There on their way, Ali left her phone at home." Caleb tells me as he watches Evie run over to Adam.

"So where's Toby?" Hanna asks

"He's just getting changed we were running a little bit late."

"I'm sure you were." Aria raises her eyebrow and giggles at the same time.

"Aria!" I say while nodding my head toward Adam and Evie, even though they were oblivious to our conversation.

Toby descended of the stairs and came to say hello to everyone.
Emily and Ali came over two minutes later and we decided now was the time to tell them.
We sat everyone down including Adam, I held on to Toby's hand, stood infront of the couch.

"So as you guys know we've invited you over because we have some news." Toby begins.

"Your not moving to Paris are you? Please tell me your not." Hanna says butting in.

"No we're not, we called you here because Adam is..." I get a rush of excitement.

"Going to be a big brother." Toby says finishing my sentence.

The girls squeal and Adam jumps to his feet to cuddle us.

"Does that mean I get one too?" Evie asks and we just laugh.

"Maybe one day sweetie." Hanna promises.


About an hour later we are all hanging out in the living room watching Descendants 2 with Adam and Evie because they can't get enough of it.
They were really the only two paying attention, apart from when they burst into song because it's hard not to get pulled in.

I still can't belive we are all so happy, me and Toby are married so are Hanna and Caleb and now they have Evie.

Aria and Ezra are still engaged but plan on tying the knot later this year.
Em and Ali are looking into adoption of two twins call lily and Grace.

Everyone's happy, well apart from Yvonne and Jordan who are God knows where.
For a few months after Toby and I got back together, Yvonne would send Toby texts messages telling him, he should be sorry and that if he apologised she would come back to him.

At first Toby just ignored them and would delete them but when it started getting silly, Toby called her and told her to back off.


Toby pressed call on Yvonne's contact and she answered within three rings.
I pressed the speaker button, while Toby gripped my right hand.

"Toby, I see you've finally made the right decision."

"No Yvonne, I'm calling to tell you to back off. You need to stop contacting me."

"Let me guess Spencer is making you say all these things. She was always desperate."

Toby blue orbs filled with rage as he heard his ex girlfriend spit out those words.

"Don't talk about Spence like that, she's made a lot of sacrifices for other people where as you only think about yourself. You contact me again and I'll call the cops. Got it?"

Yvonne remained silent for a few moments before confessing something I hadn't thought about for a long time.

"Maybe I should have done more than break into Spencer's house and scare her, at least then she would realise her love for you was one sided."

Toby eyes look into mine, Yvonne was the one who broke into my house and scared me.

"Right that's it, I'm calling the cops" Toby hung up and dialed 911.

*end of flashback*

I knew in that moment Toby loved me  and we were forever.

I've now got my perfect husband, my perfect house, my perfect children.

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