Happily Ever After

443 13 3

Toby's POV

The paramedics arrived shortly after I did and Spencer was rushed off to the hospital. Adam was dropped off at Spencer's parent's house so when the baby's here they will bring him up to the hospital.
They wheeled Spencer into a room and said they'd go and get her midwife.

"Toby it hurts!" Spencer was still squeezing my hand as hard as she could and I didn't have the heart to tell her she was probably breaking it.

"I know it does Spence but it won't be long now."

"I don't know what I would do without you."

"Yeah well lucky for you, I'm not going anywhere."

I squint at the slight pain in my hand but grin and bare it for Spencer's sake.

"Okay Mrs Cavanaugh are we ready?"

"No I want it to be over." Spencer shakes her head and I just laugh.

"Come on you've got this, now it looks like only a few pushes and we should have a baby."

While Spencer is pushing I have a conversation with the mid wife, who happens to be a thirty year old male, about how she went into labor.

"So how did we get so far along without a hospital."

"When will this be over?!?" Spencer cries.

"Just a few more pushes and we should be done."

I try to ignore the pain in my hand and talk to the mid wife.

"She went into labor at home when I was out getting her some food."

"Home alone that could have been dangerous."

"Our son Adam was with her and he called me so I could tell him what to do."

Spencer pants and for about a second releases some of the pressure on my now very bruised hand.

"How old is your son? He must be young."

"He's eight but very clever."

"Well from what I hear your little boy deserves more than extra ice cream after dinner."

Spencer and I laugh before she pushes for the last time.

We hear a baby cry and Spencer relaxes, I slowly take my hand away but it still really hurts.

"Congratulations you've got a beautiful baby girl."

The mid wife wraps her up in blanket and her to Spencer.

"Spence she's beautiful."

"She has her dad's eyes."

"Are you still sure on the name?"

I pat her hair and smile at her.

"Of course, I think we should probably call your roomate when we get home."

"Yeah, Erica Hanna Cavanaugh."


"I love the middle name by the way." Hanna giggles while holding Erica.

We're still at the hospital and the girls have arrived along with Spencer's parents, Melissa and Adam.

Melissa and her parents have gone for a walk due to the amount of people in the room.

"I'm just going to get some coffee I'll be back." I say giving Spencer a quick kiss and hurry off down the hall and into the hospital parking lot.

A black BMW pulls into a near by space and Erica Goldberg, Spencer's old college roomate, hops out the car.
I wave at her so she sees me and hurries up to me. She gives me a quick hug and says hello.

"So am I too late?"

"She's here but Spencer has no idea I called you."

"So tell me the name, I've been waiting."

"I think Spencer will want to tell you."

We walk down the hall and stop by Spencer's door, Emily sees us and covers Spencer's eyes.

"Em what are you doing?"

"Toby has a surprise but you need to keep your eyes closed."

Erica slowly walks into the room and stands at the foot of the bed. She waves hi to everyone silently and Emily removes her hands from Spencer's eyes.

"Erica!" Spencer squeals and Erica rushes to her side for a hug.

"What are you doing here?"

"You really think I'm letting you have a baby and I'm not here."

"Would you like to hold her?" Hanna asks and brings her over to Erica.

She takes the baby her arms and sits in the arm chair left to the bed.

"So Toby tells me you want to tell me the name."

"Met Erica Hanna Cavanaugh." A smile grows on Erica's face.

"Aww Spence I'm flattered, hi baby." She cooes at her lightly making sure she doesn't wake her up.

*1 months later*

"Bye buddy have a good day at school." I ruffle Adams hair and he holds Evie's hand before running off to play on the play set.

A bunch of the moms are fussing over Erica and Spencer's chatting away, happy as can be.

General POV

Adams teacher called for them to get in line before going into class.

A small boy with brownish hair wispered to Adam.

"I bet your sisters really annoying when she wakes up in the night."

Adam laughed to himself before saying

"No she's too cute for me to stay mad."

Toby overheard before putting his arm around his wife's shoulder.
Spencer pushed the pram with baby Erica in out of the school gate and headed to the car.

When Spencer and Toby got home they curled up on the sofa and watched romantic comedies all day.

Love Rosie, being the one they watched first of course.

They picked Adam up from school and when both kids were I asleep they broke out the scrabble board and played until both of them couldn't keep their eyes open.

Toby cradling Spencer the entire night, making her feel safe and stopping any nightmares she could have about A's dollhouse.

Spencer and Toby continued their daily routine of waking up taking Adam to school and spending all thier free time together.

Spencer and Toby made a promise to each other when they got married.

Til death do us part.

Hanna and Toby both started off with evil fiancé's who weren't their perfect matches.

But they soon realised that they were both marrying the wrong person.

And they lived happily ever after

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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