The Night Before

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Spencer's POV

"Right so I'll see you tomorrow."

I kiss Toby one last time before he has to get in his car, tonight is our last night as an unmarried couple.

"I'll miss you."

"Spence it's only til tomorrow."

"Yeah well I'll still miss you."

I hold on to Toby not wanting to let go.
When I finally let go he gets in the car and drives off.

Me and Adam wave him off and head back inside.

"Right Mr Sweet face now daddy is gone we need to get you ready for grandma and Grandad's."

I ruffle Adams hair and he follows me upstairs.

"Mom? Why can't I stay at uncle Caleb's?"

"Because your dad and Uncle Caleb are going out tonight remember?"

"Dad told me they were staying in and having beers because he didn't want to go to out."

I smile to myself and Adam climbs into his bed, then I grab his suitcase.

Toby doesn't want to go out, most guys want to the night before they get married to somewhere like a strip club. But Toby's different.

I like different, this town has to much of the same.

I finish helping Adam pack his bag and walk him down the street to my parents house.

My dad opens the door and let's us in.

"Hey dad, thanks for looking after him tonight."

"It's alright we like having our grandson over."

Adam sits down on the couch and puts the tv on.

"Hey not to much of that tonight Mr."

I tell him and he simply nods.

"So what are your plans for tonight?"

"I'm just going to have a movie night with the girls, like old times."

My dad hands me a cup of water and I take a few sips.

"I hear Toby brought Erica over from California."

"Yeah he did, she's with Ali and Hanna at the moment looking for a dress to wear tomorrow."

I finish my water and put my glass in the sink.

"Well I really must get going, I promised Aria I would find my 'love Rosie' DVD. Adam come give me a hug."

He walks over and hugs me.

"I'll see you tomorrow promise you'll be on your bebehaviour."

"I promise." Adam walks back over to the sofa and I say goodbye to my dad.

That night

"Right I brought wine and crisps lots and lots of crisps."

Hanna says as we all sit down on the floor, and ready to turn the first film on.

"Spence where are the glasses?" Emily says getting up and walking into my open walk kitchen.

"Top left cupboard."

"So Spence is getting married."

"Ali have you only just realised, I sent the invitations out three months ago."

We all laugh and Emily hands us all a glass.

"Oh no I'm fine thanks."

"It's your hen night don't you want a bit."

"No Spencer's fine, more for me." Hanna opens the bottle and pours herself a large glass.

"So what movie are we watching?" Erica questions.

"I put love Rosie in the DVD player." Aria says pressing play on the remote.

We watch love Rosie and cry all together.
It's Aria's favourite movie and I get why, if I had to pick a favourite character it would probably be Rosie's daughter Katie.
She's sweet and her boyfriend is called Toby, ironic I know.

I've always wanted a little girl, I love Adam but when I see him with Evie I can't help but want him to have a little sister.
And it also means I won't be the only girl in the house.

Toby's POV

When I got to Caleb's Hanna and Evie hadn't left yet and Evie was more than excited to see me, she's so cute.

"Uncle Toby!!!" She ran into my arms and I picked her up.

"Hey sweetie, have you been a good girl for mommy and daddy?"

"Yeah, when am I seeing Adam?"

Hanna walked over and answered before I got the chance.

"You're staying with nanny and Grandad Ted remember and them tomorrow after the wedding Adams coming for fourteen sleepovers."

"Yay!" I put her down and she went back to playing with her dolls.

"She's not stop talking about Adam coming to stay." Hanna tells me while helping take my bags into their spare room.

"Adam hasn't either, I think he's a little bit too excited about Caleb teaching him dance moves."

Hanna laughed.

"I had no idea he could dance but he spent alot of time with Emily when planning our wedding."

"Oh right I remember, he called me almost everyday saying he would like an idiot when dancing at your wedding."

Hanna put her hand on her hips.

"Well what can I say Emily is a miracle worker."

"Yeah that's true."

We made our way back into the living room and Caleb had just come out the bathroom.

"Hey man."

We bro hug and he grabs a couple of beers out the fridge.

"Right missy time to go to nanny and Grandad Ted's"

Hanna says getting Evie ready to go.

"Yay, grandad Ted said he's going to play dolly with me."

"Well that should be fun." Hanna replies.

Once Hanna leaves, Caleb and I wait for the others to arrive.

"So getting married tomorrow huh?"

"Yeah looks like it."

"Promise you won't bail on this one?"

"I promise I love Spencer and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her."

Caleb smiled and patted me on the back.

"Good because you two have been through so much, I want you to be happy."

Half an hour later Jason, Ezra and Lorenzo arrived and we just caught and had beers

Spence and I had never wanted a big wedding and the little wedding we have planned is perfect.

Our honeymoon was to Paris is going to be amazing, I planned a picnic on the top of the Eiffel tower for the first night.

Spencer had made most of the decisions for the wedding and I had planned the entire honeymoon.
She doesn't even know where we going.

Five years ago I stopped her from living her dream to go to Paris and now I want to make her dreams come true.

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