She may be my ex but she's my bestfriend

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Toby's POV

Adam ran across the grass and in between my legs trying to tackle me.

"I'm going to get you daddy." I fake fall on the ground and he jumps up and down with excitement.

"I'm king of the castle!!!" He screams.

I sit up and tickle him until he's in laughing fits on the ground. Yvonne emerges from the caravan.

"Come on Toby you've been outside for ages"
I'm still laughing along with Adam.
"Oh we're having so much fun."

"Toby!" She says firmly whilst crossing her arms.

"Yvonne he's my son I want to Spend time with him and Adams having fun out here. Spencer said fresh air is the best thing for him before he has dinner and is ready for bed."

She sighs.

"Spencer this Spencer that. Look I'm sure Adam loves her but you don't spend enough time with him so I think you should tell her you want  more time with him."

She's annoying me now. Spencer and I have a system I can see Adam whenever I want and everyother weekend is the usual.

"Yvonne I can see him when I want, giving him up every other weekend is hard enough on Spencer." I stood up and Adam clinged to my leg. Me and Spencer barely ever argue but when we do Adam gets very clingy.

"Hard on her. What about you? She's had two years to get used to it."

I let out aloud sigh.

"Yvonne I'm sorry but your not a parent. She was in college when she had him this is still so new to her and to me. When Spencer's happy Adam is happy. Everyone's happy"

I can feel Adams little arms gripping tighter and tighter to my right leg.

"We are in a relationship, Adam is a part of my life too."

My blood started boling. Yvonne is not Adams mom and she never will be. I need to calm down because Adam is getting scared.

"I think you should leave"
"Yvonne, she may be my ex but she's my bestfriend. So if you don't calm down I'm going to have to ask you to leave because your scaring Adam."

"Fine. I'm sorry I scared your son. I'll go and get dinner ready."
"Oh Spencer said not to much dairy and no nuts, Adam has allergies."

She sighed and closed the door. This is going to be along night.

Spencer's POV

I'm driving to pick Adam up, I can feel my nervous spreading through my body. What if he likes Yvonne more than me? What if he doesn't want to come home? I have to brush off those thoughts, otherwise I'm going to get angry.

It's crazy being back in Rosewood, I wasn't in Rosewood when I found out I was pregnant but this place seems to bring back all the memories.


I lay my head down on the bed in my dorm room, the wall is covered in photos of me and Toby. There's a new picture, this one is different to all the others because it's an ultrasound photo of a little baby boy that will be here in just 4 short months.

It's 12:30 and I have around another half hour until I have to waddle my way back down to class. I'm desperately trying to finish college for when he's born but being gawked at isn't easy. Everywhere I go the other students look at me like I'm some sort of freak. Haven't they ever seen a pregnant teen in there life? Sure I made a mistake but this is affecting my life not there's.

Toby comes over when he can but apart from that the only person who has been supportive at college is my roomate Erica.

She walked into the room and slumped on her bed, sighing heavily. I try my best to sit up.

"Everything okay?" She throws her hand up in the air.

"Why are boys such jerks?"
"I don't know. What happened?"
"It's Tom he's just so hot but then an absolute moron."
I chuckled.
"Your starting to act like your dad"
"Hey." She laughs.
"I thought you liked Geoff anyway?"
"He's got a girlfriend, Evy" she turned her nose up when she said her name.

"I'm sure everything will turn out okay" she sat up and dangled her feet at the end of the bed.

"Are you okay? I know people have been giving you a hard time."

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just the usual. We have french soon"

She raises her hand to her mouth.

"Oh crap the french homework. What was it again?"

"To find a French poem and memorise the first three lines, to present in class."

"Oh God. What have you got?"

"I picked mine and Toby's favourite. Une orange sur la table. Ta robe sur le tapis. Et toi dans mon lit."

"Aww romantic" she placed her hand on her heart."

*end of flashback*

That wasn't to long before me and Toby had to break up. It's was painful but it was the best thing for Adam. He hates arguing he gets really clingy when Toby and I argue.

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