Girls Day Out

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Hanna's POV

It's been a week since Spencer told everyone she's moving back to D.C and we've all been trying to convince her that she should stay. No luck so far but we are going to go shopping for my wedding dress today so fingers crossed.
When Spencer left the chat Caleb found out when the wedding was it turns out that Spencer hadn't told him yet and I accidentally told him myself which I guess was probably better than one of my friends but over text not so much.

*1 week earlier*

Spencer has left the chat.

Hanna: I can't believe she's leaving I'm going to miss her so much.

Emily: I know but Toby what did you mean when you said about yesterday being why she was leaving?

Toby: we had an argument someone leaked a story about Yvonne and I blamed Spencer, I was an idiot and I regret it so much but now it's too late.

Ezra: dude reality check since when do you accuse Spencer Hastings of something that happened to your soon to be wife.

Toby: since I was a stupid idiot we've been over this.

Caleb: your my best friend and I'm glad to have you as a friend but what the hell are you doing? You clearly love her and Yvonne may feel like the right way to go but she's really not.

Alison: and for once Caleb is speaking sense.

Caleb: hey Ali, at least I didn't fake my death.

Alison: it's called a joke Caleb

Caleb: I know and I was making it less funny but that's what I do.

Aria: can we talk about the fact our best friend is leaving?

Hanna: I can't believe in two weeks Spencer will be packed up and ready to go.

Caleb: wait two weeks? Your getting married in two weeks?

Hanna: I thought Spencer told you?

Caleb: yeah because I would have asked that question if I already knew the answer. So am I not invited?

Hanna: of course you are, I just sent out the invitations.

*present day*

I had frantically sent Caleb an invitation hoping he wouldn't realise that he wasn't supposed to come but how bad could it be we all know he's given up with the whole destroy the wedding plans. Since Spencer announced she's leaving we haven't seen much of Caleb, the last time we heard from him was when Ali saw him. She said that he wanted time to think about what he was going to do now that we were all together and he wasn't.

I feel bad, Caleb was a big part of my life and you can't just shut somebody out but with Caleb it's just so complicated.

I had got dressed, kissed Jordan goodbye and I was now heading to the brew to meet Emily from work. The other girls were meeting us there.

I opened the door of the brew and Ezra was giving Em her pay check.

"Hey Han" Ezra churped.
"Hey Ezra why are you so happy?" I say making my way to the counter.

"Him and Aria got engaged last night, and from the smile I'm guessing he got some last night to."

Ezra lightly shoved Emily, still beaming like a child.

"Talking of Aria where is she?"

"Oh she went to meet Spencer, her car broke down so she's giving her a lift."

"Oh right thanks Ezra"

Ezra left to fill up some of the customers coffee cups while me and Emily waited for our other four friends to arrive.

Alison, Spencer and Aria along with Mona walked into the brew five short minutes later.

"Hey guys who's ready to go get me a wedding dress, I have a few thousand pounds burning a hole in my pocket."

"Han quite do you want to get mugged?"

"Oh come on Spence I'm excited."

We bought coffee to go because Spencer insisted she had caffeine and then caught the train into philly to look for my wedding dress.

We sat in rows of three opposite each other, I was in between Spencer and Emily while Aria was opposite me with Mona and Ali either side if her.

"So Hanna Banana what sort of dress are we looking for?"

Mona grinned while touching up her make up.

"Well I want a long veil but other than  that I don't know."

We sat on the train exchanging small talk for the rest of the journey and the all the way to wedding shop.

"Let's decide and conquer." Aria declared and we all went separate ways.


"What about this one Han?" Emily spotted a beautiful dress with a puffed out bottom and the veil was down to the back of the dress but it wasn't the right one.

"Em it's beautiful but it doesn't speak to me."

Emily put it back on the rack when Alison giggled.

"Speaks to you? Hanna have you been drinking?"

I shake my head and let out a small chuckle, I look around at all my wonderful friends helping pick out the outfit I'm going to wear on that happiest day of my life.

But when I can't spot Spencer I know somethings wrong, when I finally spot her she is stood just outside the shop leaning against a Lamp post.

"I'll just be  a minute." I call behind me before going to check on my tall brunette friend.

"Spence you okay?"
She jumped a little when she saw me and wiped away a few tears.

"I'm fine."
"Come on Spencer you're clearly not fine, what's wrong?"
"I'm guess the wedding shop, everyone's getting married. You, Toby, Aria is engaged and Em and Ali are getting closer."
"Spence do you remember when we were little?"

She shoots me and 'what are you getting at look'.

"Back when the texts first started you called Toby the devil. Do you remember?"

"I could never forget."

"You regretted that so much because you love Toby right?"

"Han what are you saying?" I could sense the small amount of anger in her voice.

"You apologised to him countless times even when he didn't want to listen so I guess what I'm trying to say is fight for him tell him how you feel even if he doesn't want to listen."

After making my point she nodded and we went back into the wedding shop to pick out my dress.

My only question was will Spencer take my advice?

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