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Spencer's POV

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I had just put Adam down for bed when there was a knock on the barn door. Since me and Adam are staying in Rosewood for the next few days Melissa let us have the barn.
Once I had gotten back from Toby's I had calm Adam down, I've put him to bed early because he's worn himself out from panicking. I can't help but feel he gets that from me, his little heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to have to take him to the hospital.

I answered the door and Toby rushed in.

"Spencer I'm so sorry about today. Yvonne is really sorry."

I close the door and fold my arms.

"Toby he was shaking so much I thought I was going to have to call an ambulance."

Toby looked panicked and started looking around the barn for him.

"He's okay now he's asleep."

"Oh thank God, Spencer I can't tell you how sorry I am. I promise Yvonne won't do it again."

I walk into the kitchen area of the barn and Toby follows.

"Do you want a drink?"
"Spencer talk to me please."
"I meant what I said I don't want Yvonne anywhere near our son"

"You were serious?"
"Oh God Toby"

I put my elbows on the table and put my head in my hands. Did he really just say that? Of course he did.

"You thought I was joking? Did you not hear me when I said I thought I was going to have to call an ambulance."

"You're right I'm sorry that was a stupid thing to say."

"Now would you like a drink?"
I said slowly once I had calm down.

"I'll just have a glass of water please."

Toby and I talked most of the evening not mentioning Yvonne because it just made us argue. We sat on the sofa laughing our heads of, I'm surprised we didn't wake Adam up.

"Can I see him?"
"Adam can I go give him a kiss goodnight?"
"Tobes of course you can"

Toby put his drink down on the table and walked into my room, where Adam was sleeping since he wouldn't sleep on his own and I followed.

He gave him and kiss goodnight and came and stood by the door next to me. I leant my head on his shoulder, then quickly moved hoping he wouldn't notice.

"It's okay."
"You can lay your head on my shoulder I mean that's what parents usually do right?"

Toby reached for my hands and pulled my into his chest, hugging me.

"I'm sorry about today I really am."
"Toby it's okay it's not your fault."
"No but I should have left with you, he was clearly scared."
"Yvonne was there, you did the right thing."
"My son and his mother come first."
"What did you just say?"

I still had my head buried in his chest as he held me close.

"I made a promise to myself the day we found out you were pregnant, that you guys would always come first and  I intend to keep that promise."

Toby stayed most of the night, and I swear I was so close to just smashing my face into his and not giving a dam that he would be proposing to Yvonne soon. I stopped myself obviously.

Me and Toby had talked and laughed all night I never heard my phone go off. It was from Alison to our group chat.

Alison: Hey I  have good news Charlotte's getting let out. Thanks for all the help . Love you loads. Xxx

Oh crap. I instantly get up and lock all the windows and doors to make even though I'm pretty sure Charlotte won't be sneaking into my room at 5 in morning.

I try to calm myself down by going through work stuff but it only makes me stress out even more.

Breath Spencer.

I get my phone out and go to call Toby. What am I doing? I go on what's app hoping Toby might be online but no such luck.

Caleb is online so I message him for advice on weather to wake Toby, he is his best friend after all.

Spencer: hey Caleb sorry to bother you, but Toby isn't online and I really need to talk to him about Charlotte's getting let out.

Caleb: yeah um maybe don't call him at 5 in the morning. Can I ask you something?

Spencer: sure what is it?

Caleb: do you think Hanna still loves me.

Spencer: honestly yes, I think marrying Jordan is a big mistake. You to are made for each other, Hanna may have been stalked by A but being with you made it all okay whenever she was down.

Caleb: I was hoping you say that. I want her back but with Jordan it's complicated. That's why I've decided I'm going to do my best to win her back. Do you fancy helping me? I'll help you win Toby back if you help me win Hanna.

Spencer: um Caleb I'm not so sure you should do that? Are you serious about helping me win Toby back?

Caleb: dead serious. Are you in or not?

Spencer: you know what? What the hell? come over to mine at 10 and we can hatch a plan.

Caleb: see you then.

You know what Yvonne? Toby is mine and I'm going to win him back.

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