The Voicemail

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Toby's POV

I shut the door behind me and sat on the sofa, I checked my phone.

1 new voice mail

From Spencer.


"See you tomorrow." Lorenzo waved to me as I got in the truck.

It was a sunny evening and I'd not long finished work. Spencer was now 3 months pregnant and I needed money and fast.

I drove over to the Hastings household to see what Mr Hastings thought was best, we had told them about the baby about a week after we found out and they didn't take it so well.

I had just pulled up and was ready to get out the car when Spencer called me.

"hey babe." I answered in a happy tone but I heard snuffling through the phone.

"Spence what's wrong?"

"I-I c-can't do this."

"What's going on? What happened?"

"Tobes everyone uh nasty." I couldn't understand what she was trying to say because it was so muffled.

"Is Erica there? Let me speak to her."

The crying became distant and Erica spoke.

"What happened? Why is she so upset?"

She sighed.

"Some kids are being nasty I've told them where they can stick it but they won't stop."

"I need you to calm her down I'm outside her parents at the moment. Tell her I'll call her back."

I hung up and went to knock on the door.

Mr Hastings answered.


"Sir I need some advice, I know it's weird me coming to you but I don't have a good relationship with my dad."

"Come on in and we can talk."

He stood aside so I could walk past. That went surprisingly well.

We sat at the kitchen counter opposite each other.

"So what can I help you with?"

"I just got off the phone with Spencer she's an absolute mess, the kids at school are giving her a hard time. I really want make her smile, we need money but my job just isn't enough I've looked at other jobs but nothings ever come of it. I was hoping you could help me find one."

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