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Third Person POV

   Jimin awoke the next morning feeling worse than usual. He hasn't eaten in the past five to six days and had gotten used to the pain that came with starving oneself. His body was just now experiencing consequences. He didn't change out of his clothes completely but he did put on an oversized grey sweater so he looked somewhat presentable.
   He walked into the bathroom and stepped on the scale. 53.2 kilos. Jimin smiled as he got off the scale and proceeded to do his routine. After he was done, he went back to his room and collected his things and bag, walking out the front door locking it behind him. His mother had been out of town on a business trip for the next couple weeks so he had the house to himself. No one to yell at him for his eating habits.
   As Jimin got to school he went to his locker and transferred his things that he needed and didn't need and went to his class. When he got there he saw Yoongi already in the back, wearing big black clothing as usual. Yoongi looked up at Jimin and smiled.

time skip

   As lunch approached, Taehyung and the others came over to the desk, saying their hellos and such. Not long after Yoongi and Namjoon came over. It had started to become a normal thing for them all the hang out together since it created more company and atmosphere.
   After about five minutes Jimin received a message. He looked down at his phone after feeling the silent vibration against his back pocket and opened up his messages.

I'm going first
Meet me in a minute or two

   Jimin looked up from his phone nodding slightly as Yoongi started to get up. "I'm going to go to the restroom, excuse me." Yoongi stated as he got up from his seat heading towards the hallway.
   After about two minutes Jimin got up excusing himself as well, heading towards the same hallway and towards the bathroom.
   When he got there he saw Yoongi leaning against the tile wall. "Hey" Yoongi said softly, quiet enough for Jimin to hear. Jimin nodding in response, noticing that the two were alone as they were in the least commonly used restroom. After a minute of comfortably awkward silence, Jimin spoke up. "So, what is it that you wanted to speak with me about?" Yoongi sighed slightly as he got up from leaning against the wall and walked towards Jimin slowly. "I want you to be honest with me when you answer me. Can you promise me that?" Jimin gave him a curious look but nodded his head nonetheless, slightly nervous for what Yoongi was about to ask him. Yoongi sighed and leaned against the wall again. "How much do you weigh?" Jimin's eyes widened. Out of all the questions in the world, he most definitely didn't expect this one. "W-Why do you ask?" Jimin stuttered, looking everywhere but at Yoongi. "Answer the question." Yoongi said sharply, but gently. Jimin closed his eyes and started swaying. Yoongi soon caught him and layed him down in his lap on the floor. Yoongi sat in silence with a bundle of red hair resting on his thighs. He thought to himself for a while, stroking his fingers through the younger's auburn locks. I thought so. I was hoping he hadn't gotten this bad yet. Damn it. Yoongi had eventually snapped out of his thoughts and rested his head back against the cool white tiles. He couldn't do much because the bell had rung for students to go to their next class. He waited until the bell was done ringing and everyone was out of the halls before he had slowly gotten up. He lifted Jimin's head out of his lap, still keeping hold of it while standing up to prevent it from falling onto the tile floor. He then knelt down and lifted Jimin off of the floor bridal style. His heart sank. He's so light. Yoongi blinked away the tears starting to form in his eyes and shook his head to get rid of his thoughts. He carefully adjusted his grip on the frail body in his arms and headed out of the hallway and onto the school roof where there was no one to bother them. Once on the roof, he closed the door behind him, trying to be careful not to hit Jimin's head on anything. He walked away from the door and slowly placed Jimin on the "ground" and sat down. He then carefully lifted Jimin's head back up off the concrete and placed in back in his lap, continuing to stroke through the boy's hair as he had done earlier.
   Yoongi through his head back and closed his eyes as he thought about his own past and life experiences, getting lost in his own mind. He thought about his elder brother who was currently in a mental home due to the same illness he saw Jimin suffering from. He promised himself he would never let Jimin slip and get worse, if his life depended on it. He didn't know or understand why, but he felt a nagging attachment to the boy. He felt he was in charge of protecting him and taking care of him. Saving him even. He was determined to protect this boy from his own mind if it was the last thing he did. After a while he adjusted himself and lied down on the ground with the red haired boy lying on his chest. He soon drifted off to sleep. Only to be woken up an hour later by the dismissal bell.

Double update lol I got bored. I'll probably update again tonight at least once more, so look forward to that! Bye!

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