Self Depreciation

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   Narrator POV

Jimin had woken up tangled in Yoongi's limbs as usual. He turned around to read the alarm clock. 5:15am. He sighed as he turned his head back around to face Yoongi. He leant in and kissed the older softly before ruffling his mint locks and smiling. "Yoongi it's time to get up for school." Jimin giggled softly as he watched the older slowly open his eyes.
He watched as Yoongi blinked a couple times before leaning in to kiss him again. Yoongi laughed to himself as he reached out to grab Jimin's hand, interlocking their fingers. He watched as Jimin's face engulfed in a blush when he brought the younger's hand up to his face and kissed the smaller boy's knuckles, one by one. Yoongi smiled as he sat up right after kissing Jimin on the forehead. He shuffled out of bed as he walked towards the bathroom, yawning in the process.

Yoongi POV

   I opened the bathroom door, turning the light switch on as I stepped in slowly, locking the door behind me. I turned on the sink as I looked at my reflection in the wall mirror. I stared at the dark circles becoming prominent under my eyes, contrasting with my ugly pale skin. I look like a fucking zombie.

   I cupped my hands under the faucet and filled them with the tap water, splashing it onto my face when full. I did this a couple times before turning around and grabbing a towel. I dried my face off carefully as I stared at my reflection. I'm getting worse again.

   I grabbed my hair brush and started to comb through my messy hair, trying to look somewhat presentable. I rolled up my sleeves, revealing various white and purple lines all down my arms. I eyed them carefully as I slowly traced a finger around each one. I sighed heavily as I pulled my sleeves back down, checking my appearance in the mirror before finishing my routine and leaving the bathroom.


   I walked down the hall and back into the bedroom when I saw Jimin changing into one of my black hoodies. I stood there and studied his back. His ribs were becoming less prominent and he wasn't as pale as he used to be. He still had discoloration in his nails and frail hair but he used nail polish to cover that at school and his hair started to grow back it's strength. I smiled sincerely as I waited for him to pull the hoodie on, carefully walking behind him and wrapping my arms around his tiny waist. I lightly kissed the back of his neck before pressing my cheek against it, closing my eyes momentarily and inhaling his intoxicating scent. I smirked to myself slightly when I felt the heat on his skin. I unhooked my arms and kissed his cheek before mumbling a, "go finish getting ready." I watched him leave after nodding his head and opened up my closet, pulling out a sweater and jeans.


Narrator POV

Yoongi slipped off his shirt from the day before and looked at his body in the mirror. He hated how he looked. He was "pale", and "scrawny." His scars looked disgusting in his eyes but he couldn't stop. He quickly tore his eyes away from his reflection and slipped on the sweater. He slipped on the jeans and his vans. Once he was done, he sat down on the bed and scrolled on his phone as he waited.


Jimin POV

I locked the bathroom door behind me and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I was getting fat again. I sighed as I brushed my teeth and started combing my hair. I remembered when Yoongi kissed the back of my neck and felt my cheeks heat up, quickly shaking my head and disregarding the thought. I turn the light off as I left the bathroom, walking towards the bedroom. I smiled at Yoongi as I slipped my shoes on, and he smiled back and stood up to collect our things. He handed me my bag and phone and I smiled as we walked out of the room, leaving for school.


Narrator POV

Yoongi locked the door behind him and looked towards Jimin, intertwining their fingers as they walked to school. They walked in a comfortable silence, listening to each other's footsteps.

A/N: sorry this is so short and shit jdjdndn aND IM SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED ILL MAKE A A/N ABOUT WHY! And thank you for reading, have a lovely day/night and please vote and comment!

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