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Narrator POV

   Once they made it to their class, they sat down at their desks. They sat in their own comfortable silence, neither one speaking. After the bell rang and students began to pour into the classroom, Jimin turned to stare out the window, slipping in his earbuds. He laid his head down on his desk, lost in his own mind. Yoongi watched him contently as he knelt down on top of his desk too, drifting off to sleep.
   Yoongi woke up to the loud tone of the lunch bell, and saw Taehyung and Jungkook sitting on the opposite side of his and Jimin's desks. He looked around and saw that Jimin was nowhere to be seen. "Where's Jimin?" Yoongi asked, slight worry in his voice. "Oh, he went to the restroom. He asked us not to wake you." Taehyung answered with a boxy grin spread across his face. Yoongi nodded as he excused himself and headed towards the bathroom.
   He went towards the one he knew of so well. The bathroom where he had first spoke to Jimin. He walked inside and knocked on the wall, "Jimin?" He walked further inside and turned to see Jimin sitting on the floor, back against the white tile and knees to his chest. Yoongi knelt down next to him and carefully placed his hand on Jimin's knee. "Minnie.. what's wrong?" Yoongi asked, concern and worry painted across his features. Jimin just shook his head, not showing any signs of lifting it. "Hey, Jimin.. you can talk to me.." Yoongi spoke softly, voice cracking ever so slightly. Jimin lifted his head and looked up at Yoongi, small tears forming in his eyes and face flushed into a deep rose color. Yoongi's heart began to crack as he felt hurt seeing Jimin in this state. He grabbed Jimin's hand, causing the smaller boy to flinch. Yoongi inhaled rather sharply as he began to speak. "I've been wanting to ask you..." he trailed off and Jimin nodded, indicating for him to continue. "You've been flinching around me a lot lately.. are you alright..? Did I do something..?" Yoongi asked hesitantly, sounding almost regretful for his words. Jimin's eyes widened slightly and he quickly shook his head as he tightened his grip around Yoongi's hand. "N-No.. you didn't do anything wrong.. it's me.. that's all.." Jimin trailed off, staring at the ceiling above him. Yoongi hummed in response. "Then what did you do?" He asked jokingly as the boy let out a sigh. "Yoongi.. I think something is wrong with me.." Yoongi tilted his head at Jimin's choice of words and traced circles on Jimin's knuckles. "What do you mean?" He asked concerned. "I feel... different around you.. I don't know why..  but it won't go away..." Yoongi watched as Jimin stared at the floor, picking at his thumb on his free hand with his index finger. Yoongi just stared at him, watching what he was doing and carefully grabbed Jimin's other hand to stop what he was doing. "Different how?" Yoongi asked hesitantly but not with worry. Jimin trailed off trying to think of words to describe the feeling. "I don't know.. when I'm around you I feel paranoid over everything I do.. my heart pounds and starts racing rapidly.. I can't breathe properly.. my face feels hot all the time.. I don't understand." Yoongi nodded as he began to understand what Jimin was describing. It was silent for a moment as Yoongi was trying to think of how to respond, until he finally broke the silence. "Minnie I think you might like me." Yoongi spoke calmly as if he was completely unbothered by what he had just discovered. Jimin's eyes widened at the words he had just heard and looked up at Yoongi, face five times redder than it was before. "Y-You think so?" Jimin asked, voice laced with shock and hesitation. Yoongi nodded as he gripped Jimin's hands tighter. He watched as Jimin stared at the floor, unable to pick at his fingers because of Yoongi's hold on them. Probably for the best though, as his fingers were now bleeding because of it.
They stayed together in silence, both calming but awkward. They just sat on the tile floor leaning against each other, hands now intertwined. Yoongi was the first to break the silence. "Minnie.. are you okay..?" He asked hesitatingly. Jimin just looked at Yoongi with confusion. "What do you mean?" Yoongi shook his head as he cleared his throats to speak again. "No I mean.. um.." he trailed off trying to find the right words to what he was trying to ask. He eventually gave up and leaned his head on Jimin's shoulder, squeezing Jimin's hand. He let out a heavy sigh and Jimin leaned against Yoongi. "Yoongi.. I'll tell you when it gets hard." Jimin spoke up softly, squeezing Yoongi's hand reassuringly. Yoongi just nodded against Jimin's shoulder, the feeling of guilt heavily taking over him. He couldn't lie anymore, it would only hurt Jimin more. He cleared his throat as he started to speak. "Minnie.. I have to tell you something..." his voice was shaky and his hands started to shake slightly. Jimin noticed this and sat up, looking directly into Yoongi's eyes. "Yes..?" Jimin asked, worry sounding in his voice. Yoongi just detached their hands and moved his hand towards his sleeve, pulling it down. Jimin watched the action as he knew exactly what Yoongi was trying to say and what he had done. He waited for Yoongi to look up at him, but his gaze just stayed on the tiles beneath them. "When?" Jimin said as he leaned over and carefully began to undo the bandages, hesitating when he heard Yoongi wince at the pain. "L-Last night..." Yoongi's voice cracked making Jimin's heart sink. "Yoon.. it's okay.." Jimin reassured the pale boy as he cupped his cheek with his hand, holding Yoongi's wrist with the other. He looked directly into Yoongi's guilt-filled eyes and glanced down at Yoongi's wrist, asking permission to look. Yoongi nodded as Jimin finished unraveling the loose bandages around Yoongi's arm, sighing in relief when he saw that it was only one. He leaned against Yoongi and slowly pulled the pale wrist up to his face. Yoongi watched him contently as he knew what he was going to do. He leaned against Jimin's body as he felt a pair of familiar plump lips against the now closed wound. Yoongi stared at Jimin and thought about how morbidly ethereal he looked at that moment. His body tensed when he saw a tear fall from Jimin's closed eyelid. His reached over and wiped it away with the thumb on his free hand, Jimin's lips still on his arm. He slowly started to shift and move closer to Jimin's face, kissing away the now flowing tears. He pulled his arm away from Jimin's face and cupped the younger boy's cheeks. He closed his eyes calmly as the boy broke down before him. "I'm sorry" Yoongi stated as he pulled Jimin close to him, holding his hand tightly in his own. He intertwined their fingers as he felt his shirt become wet with tears, he couldn't care less though. It was his fault to begin with. He could feel Jimin bring his free hand up to rest on his chest, muffling Jimin's sobs. He traced circles around Jimin's back with his other hand, tightening his grasp with the other one.
After a while, Jimin had calmed down and was now lying his head in Yoongi's lap. Their hands were still intertwined as Yoongi ran his fingers through the boy's faded auburn hair with his free hand, staring ahead of him, lost in thought. He heard Jimin clear his throat to begin speaking. "Yoongi.. what do you want me to do..? I mean with what we were talking about at first..." Jimin asked hesitantly as he turned to look up at Yoongi, the back of his head flat on the older's lap. Yoongi pondered in thought for a moment as he tried to think of how to respond. "Well.. what do you want to do Minnie?" Yoongi spoke calmly and reassuringly as to show no judgement in Jimin's upcoming response, no matter what it may be. Jimin paused for a moment and stared at Yoongi, into those beautiful brown eyes that he always drowned in. He tightened his grip in Yoongi's and closed his eyes, frustration taking over. "I'm asking you because I don't know." Jimin huffed, cheeks puffing out like a child's. Yoongi smiled as he leant down and placed his lips onto Jimin's.
After a few seconds, Yoongi pulled away, leaning his head back against the tiles, leaving Jimin a flustered mess. Jimin opened his eyes slowly and stared back at Yoongi, face burning heavily. Yoongi just smiled as he brought his free hand down to caress Jimin's face, resting it against his cheek. Jimin blinked a few times until he rejoined reality and the image of their first kiss started to replay in his mind dozens of times. Yoongi just chuckled to himself as he watched Jimin's flustered expressions. "Are you still confused?" Yoongi asked him calmly, still laughing slightly. Jimin just stared up at him for a moment and closed his eyes in frustration. "Even more so than before." Jimin scoffed causing Yoongi to erupt with laughter. He wondered to himself if this bathroom was even real. To him it seemed more like a place of fate between the two. It seemed to become a special place for him. He smiled to himself as he pulled Jimin's hand up and kissed his knuckles, staring at Jimin as he did so. "Now?" Yoongi asked jokingly. "No." Jimin said calmly as he stared back at Yoongi and smiled.

Long ass chapter because why not? Please vote and comment! Thank you for reading thus far!

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