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Narrator POV

Once Jimin had calmed down, Yoongi walked over to the cabinet and filled an empty glass with lukewarm water. He handed the glass to Jimin and the younger nodded in thanks, drinking the water down almost immediately. Yoongi grabbed a plate and began cutting up the half of sandwich he had pulled out of the fridge. Jimin watched him carefully, dread filling in his stomach. But he knew that Yoongi wanted him to eat. He didn't want the older to be upset or hurt by him so he did what he was asked. Yoongi cut the small sandwich into four small pieces and slid the plate over to Jimin, who stared at it for a few minutes. He leant in and pecked the younger's lips, smiling sincerely when Jimin stared at the food dreadfully. Jimin nodded as he took a deep breath and slowly brought the sandwich piece up to his face, and began eating it slowly. After about ten minutes, Jimin was eating his third piece. He grew full and stopped, Yoongi quietly nodding and putting the two remaining pieces back in the bag and into the fridge. Yoongi filled Jimin another glass of water and Jimin gladly drank it all. Jimin leaned against the counter, head hanging low. He hated eating, it was time consuming and only made him gain weight and feel disgusting. But it made Yoongi happy and proud of him, and that's all Jimin wants. He would fall apart if Yoongi had started cutting again. He knew that the older was suffering his own conflict, but it still hurt him to see Yoongi pretend that he's fine for Jimin's sake. Yoongi walked over and snaked his arms around Jimin's waist. He placed his chin atop Jimin's shoulder and closed his eyes. Jimin turned his head slightly to see Yoongi, and carefully pecked the older's lips. He turned around and kissed him again, soft pecks lasting seconds at a time, until they were against the counter, foreheads pressed together.
They walked out of the kitchen quietly, not noticing the look of worry etched onto Taehyung's face. They sat back down and Yoongi continued to eat his forgotten pizza, his other hand laced with Jimin's. "Everything alright?" Seokjin asked for the second time that night. "Yeah, Jimin felt nauseous so I gave him some medication." Yoongi lied as Jimin nodded in false approval. Taehyung quietly scoffed at this but quickly brushed it off.
Later that night, they were all watching some old horror film that Jungkook and Namjoon had picked out. Yoongi and Jimin cuddled against each other on the couch, Yoongi stroking through Jimin's hair as Jimin payed very little attention to the movie. He hated horror movies. Not that they made him scared, but they made his anxiety rise in a bad way. He was turned opposite the television screen, staring at Yoongi as the older was watching the film, still stroking Jimin's hair. Jimin lifted up a hand and cupped Yoongi's cheek, the older slowly looked down at him and they locked eyes. Jimin smiled and cradled his head into Yoongi's chest. Yoongi knew Jimin was growing bored with the film they were watching, but he didn't know how to help that fact. Jimin simply decided to curl up against Yoongi, and fall asleep. After about ten minutes, Yoongi looked down and saw Jimin sound asleep, and smiled to himself. He leant down and carefully kissed the younger's forehead and caressed his cheek, stroking his cheekbone softly with his thumb.
Not long after the movie had ended, almost everyone was asleep. Yoongi carefully lifted Jimin up, and carried him upstairs and placed him on the bed. He walked out and grabbed blankets and pillows, and carried them downstairs for the others. Taehyung and Jungkook took the couch as they were already cuddling on it. Hoseok was already passed out on the floor. Seokjin and Namjoon were already awake so Yoongi lead Seokjin to the guest room and Namjoon took his parents' room. He walked back upstairs after everything was turned off and closed his bedroom door behind him. He walked over and carefully stripped Jimin out of his hoody and jeans, and into a sweater and sweat pants to make him more comfortable, not like it made a difference. Yoongi changed his own clothes and slipped in next to Jimin, bringing him closer and wrapping his arms around the boy. He leant down and kissed the younger's forehead. "Good night Minnie." He smiled and drifted off to sleep himself.


The next morning, Hoseok, Taehyung, an Jungkook were already awake, so they decided to watch tv and hang out until Yoongi had woken up, they didn't want to disturb the older. Even though Yoongi was an insomniac, he loved two things. Sleep, and Jimin. Preferably the two together as he couldn't sleep without the younger next to him. The three were playing around, being loud yet quiet enough not to wake the others. Then Jungkook's phone died. He had forgotten his charger at Taehyung's house. Hoseok hadn't planned on staying the night, nor did anyone else, so they only had one charger. Jimin's.
The three carefully crept upstairs, trying to make the least amount of noise. They didn't know much of the house, so they didn't know where they were supposed to look. They assumed the big door lead to Yoongi's parents' room, and guest room was a few doors down from there. They made their way to the end of the hall and met when they hoped to be Yoongi's door. Hoseok already knew Jimin would be in here with Yoongi but the younger two didn't know about Jimin living with Yoongi. So needless to say, they were shocked when they opened the bedroom door. Jimin, who had been changed into different clothing, was curled up against Yoongi, their legs intertwined, and faces centimeters apart. The two looked at Hoseok who quietly walked in, grabbed the charger, and closed the door behind him. Once they made their way downstairs, the two opened their mouths. "What was that?" Taehyung asked, slight confusion laced in his voice. "Jimin kinda lives here." Hoseok laughed and the two just exchanged expressions. "How long have they been doing this?" Jungkook asked. Hoseok brought a finger up to his chin and thought for a second before answering, "about two months." Taehyung and Jungkook nodded, realizing that this must've been the reason the two were so close.

A/N: sorry idk how to go from here lmao

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