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Yoongi POV

The school bell rang signaling students to go home. I waited until the class emptied as usual, and walked out into the hallway to Jimin's classroom. I waited outside the classroom door, watching as students poured out, and smiled when I saw the familiar red hair. He smiled at me and we walked together to our own lockers before heading home. I watched silently as Jimin switched belongings in his bag and locker. I snapped out of my "trance" when I heard metal clashing, signaling that Jimin was done. I blinked a couple times and smiled as Jimin turned to me, grabbing my hand. I didn't care to put my stuff in my locker, I never did homework or anything like that anyway. I felt Jimin squeeze my hand before we started walking.
On our way home, I watched carefully as Jimin was staring off into space, our arms swinging back and fourth slightly between our steps. I noticed he has been spacing out a lot today. I tightened my grip around his fragile fingers, which tuned him back to reality. He looked at me with confusion but smiled. I smiled back and I squeezed his hand slightly. I have to watch him more carefully. I can't let him slip.


We reached my front door and I untangled our hands, to unlock the door, not missing the tiny pout on Jimin's face in my peripheral. I smiled to myself as we started to walk inside. We walked upstairs and into my room, where we placed our things down. Jimin walked off to the bathroom. I laid down on my bed, scrolling through my social media.
After about ten minutes, Jimin came back and collapsed onto my bed, curling up. "Minnie what wrong? Are you alright" I grew concerned but Jimin simply shook his head and smiled back at me. "I'm fine Yoon, I'm just really tired." He giggled quietly and crawled closer to me, clinging to me tightly. I turned over and wrapped my arms around his frail body and sighed in contentment. After a minute or two of cuddling in comfortable silence, I lifted my head and leant down to kiss his forehead. I heard him giggle quietly and felt him snuggle closer (if that was even possible) and I smiled to myself. We eventually fell asleep wrapped around each other.


Narrator POV

   Jimin woke up with yet another migraine. He looked over to the clock behind him. 4:34am. They still had another hour before they were supposed to get ready for school, so he carefully untangled himself from Yoongi, making sure not to wake him, and walked out of the bedroom quietly. He headed to the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet, looking for anything to subdue the nagging pain. He found some Advil and took one, drinking some water from the bathroom sink with it. He got ready and brushed his teeth and such, until the voice came back.

"You're doing well Jimin. If you keep going, you won't be so fat and disgusting anymore. Maybe Yoongi will think you're beautiful."

   Jimin cringed at the voice. He knew that Yoongi wanted him to eat, but he couldn't help but listen to the voice. He shook his head to make it go away, and it did. Jimin sighed in frustration and he turned the sink back on to wash his face. He stared at his reflection. He hated his face, his body. Everything. How could Yoongi care for someone as disgusting as himself. He couldn't even bare to look in the mirror, how could Yoongi stand to be around him. Didn't it disgust Yoongi with how ugly and fat he was? He wanted to eat and make Yoongi happy, but he desperately wanted to be skinny and beautiful.
   Jimin jumped out of his thoughts when he heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Jimin, are you alright?" Yoongi sounded concerned and worried and Jimin panicked. He had long since started crying and he didn't want Yoongi to see. Yoongi turned the doorknob carefully when he didn't get a reply. He opened the door to see Jimin with tears streaming down his face. Yoongi's heart almost shattered at that moment. He instantly ran over to Jimin and wrapped his arms around him. He heard Jimin's quiet sobs against his own chest, staining his shirt with tears. He brought a hand up and stroked Jimin's hair. "Minnie what happened? I thought you said you were doing okay?" Jimin just shook his head against Yoongi's chest and Yoongi tightened his hold around Jimin. He continued to stroke the red hair when he felt Jimin shift underneath him and he broke away the hug. Jimin looked him in the eyes, hair disheveled and his face was puffy and red, stained with tears. He looked completely broken. Yoongi brought his hands to Jimin's face and cupped his cheeks, wiping tears away with his thumbs. "Minnie you can talk to me, it's okay." Yoongi stared into Jimin's eyes sincerely and Jimin nodded hesitantly. Jimin cleared his throat before he spoke, "I just.. I'm so ugly and fat.. I don't understand how anyone would love me, much less you.." Jimin was crying again and Yoongi felt his heart crack even more. He continued to wipe the tears as he kissed Jimin's eyelids. He drew his face back and looked back into Jimin's eyes. "Jimin, I've told you this before, and I'll say it as many times as I need to. You are beautiful. It's not your body that I love Jimin, it's you. You are not fat and you are not ugly. I promise you. I will always love you no matter what. Please don't do this to yourself. It hurts me to see you belittle yourself so much. Please." Jimin stared back at Yoongi wide-eyed, with tears streaming down his face yet again. Yoongi quickly wiped them away and brought his face closer to Jimin's as he placed their lips together. It was a soft, short kiss, but it was enough for them. Once they broke apart, they pressed their foreheads together and stayed in comfortable silence, listening to each others' breathing.
   After Jimin had cleaned up and all, Yoongi had Jimin go back to bed, as he was obviously drained. Yoongi pulled out his phone and messaged Taehyung.

Jimin said he's staying home because he doesn't feel well.

Okay, tell him I hope he feels better!!

   Yoongi turned off his phone, as he walked back to his bedroom and smiled when he saw Jimin curled up in the bed sound asleep. He crawled in next to him and kissed his forehead before wrapping his arms around Jimin's frail body and falling asleep himself.

A/N oops sorry for the angst lmao. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Please vote and comment I highly appreciate it! Bye💗

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