
989 51 7

Narrator POV

The next morning, Yoongi woke up first, which was unusual as he always slept when he could. He looked down at the younger boy wrapped around his torso, smiling while admiring the boy's features.
He always pushed the thoughts about Jimin's weight to the back of his mind, he didn't want to trigger a mental breakdown induced by his own fears and anxieties over the boy's health. He lied there, thoughts running through his mind. Thoughts of himself, of Jimin, and of his older brother.

It was after school when Yoongi was walking home, content with the silence. He had friends but he never walked home with them, he tended to stay alone.
   By the time he reached his home, he noticed the door was unlocked, meaning his older brother Junki was home, since their parents were at work.
Why is he home early? Did something happen at school?

   Yoongi knew that his brother had an eating disorder. He always kept an eye on him, watching him play with his meals making it look like he'd eaten, Hiding out in the bathroom weighing himself and staring at his reflection for long lengths of time, even seeing how his clothing gradually got looser and looser on his body. It hurt Yoongi but it was none of his business. He always thought about talking to his brother about it, but he didn't know what to say. You can't just walk up to someone and ask them if they have an eating disorder, y'know?
   "Hello? Junki-hyung?" Yoongi called out into the seemingly silent house. He closed the door behind him and walked up the stairs to check to see if his brother was in his room. He saw the bathroom light on underneath the door and turned the handle, surprised to find it actually unlocked.
   He walked inside and immediately fell to his knees, heart racing and tears building up in his eyes. He crawled over to his older brother's pale body, collapsed onto the tile floor, crying and shaking him, trying to wake him. "Hyung! Please wake up! Hyung please!" Yoongi cried out, shaking his older brother's body relentlessly.
   Yoongi gave up and pulled out his phone and dialed 119. He explained to the woman that answered the phone, the situation and minutes later an ambulance showed up. He watched as his brother was driven away to the hospital.
   He immediately called his parents and told them about coming home to Junki collapsed unconscious on the bathroom floor. Not long after, his parents had come home from work, taking Yoongi to the hospital with them, where he would see his older brother for the last time in a long while.
   Weeks later, after saying goodbye to his older brother that was soon taken away to a mental hospital and soon a recovery clinic, Yoongi had started to develop his own problems. He couldn't sleep and would rarely eat. He grew depressed and stayed in that state almost all the time. This was around the time Yoongi started his unhealthy coping mechanism to replace the pain in his heart and mind. Cutting.

   Yoongi sighed to himself, blinking away the small tears forming after thinking about the events of last year, still remembering the first scar he created. He looked back down and noticed Jimin fidgeting in his sleep. He untangled Jimin from his torso and leant down, kissing the younger's forehead, heading to the bathroom seconds later.
   He stared at his reflection in the mirror. Dark circles under his eyes, pale skin, and messy mint hair. He eventually looked away and did his business, washing his hands afterwards and leaving the bathroom, heading back to bed.
   He crawled into bed, wrapping his arms around Jimin's frail body, holding him as close as possible, as if the boy would disappear otherwise. He kissed his head multiple times, stroking his arms and combing his fingers through his auburn hair lightly, simply comforting himself with Jimin's presence.

I promise I will make you healthy, Jimin.

- - -

Jimin woke up, noticing Yoongi holding him tightly, face nuzzled into his neck. He smiled to himself and untangled to older from his frame, staring at Yoongi's face. He started to frown immediately when he noticed Yoongi's eyes were slightly red and puffy, slight tears forming on his delicate eyelashes.
He brought his hand us and caressed the older's cheek, stroking it softly. He sat upright on his elbow and kissed both of Yoongi's closed eyelids, the taste of salt on his lips from Yoongi's tears.
Yoongi opened his eyes slightly, blinking away the sensitivity from the sudden brightness. He smiled at Jimin, seeing he was now awake as well.
He kissed Jimin's forehead, smiling sincerely. "Good morning Minnie." Jimin smiled, "good morning." He brought his hand up, stroking Jimin's hair, the younger sighing contently. Then Jimin asked the question Yoongi didn't expect.

"Yoongi, why were you crying?"

Yoongi blinked a few times and thought to himself. How did he know? He was asleep, wasn't he? "What do you mean?" Yoongi asked, wondering what Jimin meant and how he found out. He didn't want the younger to worry about him. "In your sleep, you were crying." Jimin stated, looking at Yoongi with worry in his eyes. Yoongi sighed to himself and decided to talk to Jimin about his past.
Jimin listened to every word Yoongi spoke. He tried to hold back tears as he listened to Yoongi talk about the pain he felt and went through when his brother suffered and was hospitalized. He had no idea that Yoongi had felt like this and that he was causing this much pain for him, with his own selfish, toxic, desires.
He started to cry once Yoongi was finished, Hugging the older tightly and crying into his shoulder. Yoongi just say there and pet Jimin's head, trying to calm the younger down. His chest began to hurt when Jimin started to repeatedly say the words "I'm sorry." Yoongi hugged Jimin tighter and kissed his head multiple times. "Baby, please don't apologize, it's not your fault." Yoongi stated, caressing the younger's head.
After a while, Jimin calmed down and the two stayed in bed, spooning in comfortable silence, fingers intertwined and Yoongi's forehead pressed against the back of Jimin's neck, arms wrapped around his small frame. Out of nowhere, Yoongi started to speak.

"Jimin, you know that I love you, right?"

"Yes, I love you too Yoongi."

A/N: IM SO SORRY OMG 😭🙏 I've been going through some family stuff and just a lot of things in general. I PROMISE that I WILL update again within the week. Thank you all so so much for reading and voting and commenting, it means so much to me! And thank you all for 29k reads and 1k votes!!! I will try my best to update more! Please vote and comment, I really appreciate it! ❤️

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