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Narrator POV

Jimin and Yoongi stayed in the bathroom together in comfortable silence. They decided to skip the rest of school so Jimin texted Taehyung and Jungkook to let them know that they were skipping and asked if they could bring them their once school ended, which of course resulted in them scolding him but wishing him luck that they wouldn't get caught. Jimin was still lying in Yoongi's lap, the fingers still tangled together. Yoongi used his free hand to stroke Jimin's hair which calmed the younger as they stared into each other's eyes. Jimin shifted and lifted his arm up to prop his head against, while turning his head in Yoongi's lap to face the older's torso. Soon enough, Jimin was fast asleep while Yoongi continued to stroke the auburn locks.


As the bell rang, dismissing students from their classrooms and to their lockers before they headed home, Yoongi used his free hand to shake Jimin awake. Jimin slowly opened his eyes, wincing at the brightly lit bathroom. Yoongi smiled as Jimin's eyes eventually adjusted. Then all of a sudden, Jimin's head shot up quickly and his eyes widened as Yoongi looked him over with confusion, their hands still linked. "Shit!" Yoongi chuckled quietly to himself, because it was the first thing Jimin said after sleeping for two hours. "What is it Minnie?" Yoongi asked him, bringing his free hand up to Jimin's face to calm him down. "I forgot that I was hanging out with Tae and Kookie after school today. You don't mind do you?" Yoongi shook his head and smiled. "Of course not, have fun" Yoongi giggled as he watched Jimin's face show relief.
   Jimin shifted and pulled Yoongi up with him as he stood up. They brushed themselves off as Jimin pulled out his phone to text Taehyung and Jungkook to meet him at his locker, reminding them to bring their things. They headed out of the bathroom and into the hallway and sighed in relief when the hallways weren't packed due to students already heading home. They walked towards Jimin's locker and waited, smiling when the two boys showed up, carrying their bags. Jimin apologized for the inconvenience, as he collected his bag and handed Yoongi his own. They all talked for a couple minutes until the three decided to head out to Taehyung's home. Jimin turned to Yoongi and smiled as he leant in and pecked the older's cheek, smirking to himself as he felt the soft skin underneath his lips start to heat up. "I'll call you when I'm about to leave." Jimin smiled as Yoongi nodded, the blush now fading as he smiled back. Jimin turned to the two (completely confused) boys behind him smiling. "Lets go." Jimin turned on his heel and started walking as the other two exchanged equally confused expressions. "Y-Yeah." Taehyung spoke as he and Jungkook proceeded walking behind Jimin, waving goodbye to Yoongi.
   As the two boys were gone, Yoongi was left alone in the hallway. He decided to call Namjoon and Hoseok to ask if they wanted to hang out which they agreed. He headed out of the school smiling brightly as he brought his pale hand up to his cheek.

(Jimin) Narrator POV

"So when did that happen?" Taehyung spoke after the three had been walking down the streets in complete silence. Jimin caught on to the younger's question and smiled "Oh, in the bathroom." Jimin laughed to himself, somewhat embarrassed. "Wait seriously? Is that why you two decided to skip?" Jungkook asked, entertained by the current conversation. Jimin's face started to turn a rosy pink as he slowly nodded his head, causing the younger two to "ahhh" in response smiling. They had always known about each other's similar sexualities since middle school, so the two were happy for Jimin finally finding someone to call his own and make him happy.
Once they reached Taehyung's house, they walked in and took of their shoes as Taehyung locked the door. His parents were hardly home because of work, so he usually spent his time either alone or with these two. They headed up to Taehyung's room and sat on his bed, trying to decide on an activity to do. They finally decided to play video games. After a few rounds they got bored so they all decided to talk and laugh amongst each other for the next few hours until it was starting to get seemingly dark out. Jimin said his goodbyes to the two as he put on his shoes and left, waving and saying he'd see them the next day. He pulled out his phone out and pressed on Yoongi's contact, calling him. He smiled when he heard him pick up. "Hey Yoon, I just left Tae's. Are you home or do you want me to meet you?" Jimin walked slowly as he asked. "Ah I've been with Hoseok and Namjoon, do you want to meet us here at the café?" Yoongi asked, happiness lacing his voice as he hadn't hung out with Namjoon (or any one else for that matter), in a good few months. Jimin smiled as he hummed in response, "sure, I'll be there in a few minutes." He heard Yoongi make a small noise in reply and hung up, walking towards the café a few blocks down.


(Yoongi) Narrator POV

Yoongi met Namjoon and Hoseok at the nearby café, smiling so hard that his gums were shown. The two exchanged looks as they turned to look at Yoongi and walked to sit down at a table in the back corner.
After a few minutes of small talk, Namjoon cleared his throat and spoke. "So what has you so happy?" Yoongi looked up at him and blushed slightly as he looked down, which went unnoticed (just hardly) by the other two. He smiled as he brought his gaze up and looked at the two in front of him and spoke. "Well I guess you could say that Jimin and I are a thing now." Yoongi fiddled with his fingers under the table as the other two looked at him with shocked, yet happy expressions. They knew that Yoongi was Pansexual and were happy that he found someone who deeply cares for him, even more so to know that it was Jimin whom he cared so much for. "That's good! I'm happy for you." Hoseok spoke as he smiled brightly at Yoongi as Namjoon nodded his head, indicating the same. Yoongi smiled as he thanked them.
After a few hours of talking and such, Yoongi's phone rang and he pulled it out of his back pocket reading the caller ID.

Minnie Calling...

Yoongi smiled as he pressed the green button and put the phone up to his ear. "Hey Yoon, I just left Tae's. Are you home or do you want me to meet you?"
The two exchanged smiles to each other as they watched Yoongi's face light up. Yoongi cleared his throat, "Ah I've been with Hoseok and Namjoon, do you want to meet us here at the café?" He heard Jimin hum in reply and speak up "Sure, I'll be there in a few minutes." He hummed and heard the click of Jimin hanging up. He put his phone back in his pocket as he smiled to the two in front of him. "He said he'll be here in a few minutes." The two nodded and they all waited until Jimin arrived, sounding a bell from the door.

A/N -
Hey everyone! Sorry for the somewhat late update, I've been going through some things ;; to make it up to you, I made it longer than I usually would! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and thank you for reading! Please vote and comment! It means a lot and lets me know that you're enjoying it. We'll have a nice day/evening and bye!

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