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   Jimin had woken up and looked over at the clock next to him. 4:17pm. He sighed as he shifted in bed, looking over at Yoongi who was curled up in a fetal position with his arm draped over Jimin's lap. Jimin just sat there staring at the now mint haired boy in front of him, and just admired him. He traced his eyes over the boy's features. He couldn't help the slight hint of heat crawling up and coating his cheeks. He carefully removed Yoongi's hand and got up from the bed and walked out towards the bathroom.
   Jimin stared at himself in the mirror. He could tell he was gaining weight and even though he knew it was good because it made Yoongi happy, he couldn't help but hate himself for letting himself become fat. He pinched his body in various spots and even pulled on his facial features. He thought of himself as nothing other than disgusting.
   Jimin finally finished studying himself and left the bathroom, and crawling back into bed. He felt Yoongi wrap around him. He looked over at Yoongi's face and noticed he was awake, his deep brown eyes staring straight into Jimin's. Jimin felt his cheeks heat up again but matched Yoongi's gaze. They stayed like that for a multitude of minutes when eventually Yoongi spoke. "Minnie, why did you take so long in the bathroom..? Are you alright..?" His voice was deep and raspy due to being unused and that made Jimin's heart skip a beat. Damn it. That seems to happen a lot lately. Yoongi what are you doing to me? Jimin shifted his gaze to anywhere but Yoongi's eyes, reluctant to answer the older's question. "Minnie, are you okay?" Jimin still didn't look at Yoongi. Yoongi started to grow more concerned when he noticed Jimin playing with his sleeves. He knew that he was going to come up with a lie. "Yoon, I'm fine. Just sleepy." Yoongi let out a sigh and grabbed Jimin's hand, ignoring the feeling of Jimin flinching to his touch. He rubbed circles on Jimin's knuckles and looked up at Jimin. "Minnie, I know you're lying please talk to me.." Jimin's eyes widened but quickly went to normal when he realized he can't hide anything from Yoongi. "..I just.. I don't know anymore.." Jimin paused and Yoongi stared at him with concern, waiting for him to proceed. "I feel like no matter what I do.. I'll always look like this." Yoongi grew confused as he spoke up. "What do you mean Minnie?"  Jimin hesitantly spoke up again. "Hyung, I'm so fat." Yoongi's heart shattered at that moment. He tightened his grip on Jimin's hand causing the younger boy to look up and see the pain spread on Yoongi's face. He immediately filled up with guilt as he looked away. "Jimin look at me." Jimin flinched when he heard Yoongi's stern tone of voice come out of nowhere. He then looked over and met Yoongi's eyes. He looked like he was going to cry. Jimin's heart sank when he noticed this. "Yoon–" "Don't you dare say that ever again." Jimin was confused and slightly scared at Yoongi's sudden outburst. Yoongi noticed this and calmed down a little before speaking again. "Jimin. Don't you ever say that you're fat. Ever again. You are anything but that. Jimin, I wish you could realize just how fucking beautiful you are. You are not disgusting and you are not fat. I don't want to hear you belittle yourself ever again." Jimin stared at Yoongi in shock and immediate guilt when he saw the tears starting to fall onto the older's pale cheeks. Soon Jimin was crying too. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around Yoongi, crying into his shoulder. Yoongi brought his hand up and started to stroke the boy's red hair. They stayed like that for a while until Yoongi broke the silence. "I'm going to go start dinner in a bit. Is there anything that you'll eat in specific?" He looked at Jimin, wiping the younger's tears away from his now heated cheeks. Jimin just shook his head and Yoongi nodded slightly. He brought both of his hands up as he stared down at Jimin's face. He pulled the boy into his chest, hugging him tightly. After a minute or two he knelt down and kissed Jimin's forehead, soon walking out of the room without saying anything. Jimin felt his face heat up and cursed himself for being an idiot and causing Yoongi's pained expression. He walked down the stairs and walked up behind Yoongi who was in the kitchen preparing food. Yoongi's eyes widened as he felt Jimin's bony arms snake around from behind and link around his waist. Jimin pressed his head against Yoongi's back and nuzzled closer. Yoongi leaned into the touch and stopped what he was doing. "Minnie?" Yoongi felt Jimin's grip tighten and he grew worried. He grabbed Jimin's hands and snaked his fingers in between Jimin's and felt the younger boy's head press closer. He lifted the red head's arms off of him and quickly turned around, hands still attached as he placed said arms around his back. Jimin looked at him, face extremely red as he felt his cheeks grow hotter and Yoongi stared at him with growing confusion. "Minnie what's wrong?" Jimin just shook his head as he tried to cover his face in Yoongi's chest but Yoongi quickly untangled their hands and placed his on Jimin's cheeks. "Minnie seriously, what's wrong? Do you have a fever or something?" Yoongi could feel the heat radiating from Jimin's face. Jimin just kept responding with nothing other than the shake of his head at every question. Yoongi grew irritated and leaned forward to stare into Jimin's eyes hoping he'd pry out an answer. As if it were a curse, Jimin's face grew even hotter as he realized their faces were only a couple inches apart. He looked away from Yoongi's eyes and Yoongi noticed the heat growing on Jimin's cheeks. Then everything started to click.

"Minnie.. are you blushing?"

Hi everyone! I decided to update with a longish chapter but I'm going to update again later today. I wanted to thank everyone who has been reading this fic! Thank you to all of you who have voted and commented and even added this crappy story to your reading lists. It makes me so happy to find out that so many people actually enjoy reading this. At first I thought of writing this fic when I was having a depressive episode and had no idea that it would blow up as much as it did. Thank you all so much! I will try to update more!

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