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   Yoongi awoke wth Jimin still on his chest, deep in sleep with no sign of waking in the next few hours. Yoongi sighed as he slowly got up and placed Jimin's head in his lap temporarily. He reached out for his phone and texted Seokjin to ask him if he could place Jimin's things in his own locker and Yoongi would come by the next morning to collect them. He then pocketed his phone and proceeded to pick up Jimin in a piggyback style, and walked down the stairs and out of the school.
    He continued walking with Jimin now in his arms in bridal style as he had gotten a bit uncomfortable to carry causing a small pain in Yoongi's lower back. He was halfway to his own house when he felt Jimin move. He tensed slightly for just a second before relaxing again to realize Jimin was just shifting position and not awaking.
    Once he reached his house Yoongi took out his keys and unlocked and opened the door, closing it and locking is behind him and soon placing Jimin on the couch for a brief few seconds. He walked over to his room and opened the door to it, walking back towards the couch and picking up Jimin again. Once Yoongi got to his bedroom, he closed the door behind him with his foot. He carefully placed Jimin on his bed and sat down on the other side of it, watching him breathe. Yoongi frowned to himself slightly when he remembered that horrible feeling of bone and thin skin. He started to tear up but quickly blinked them away as they were deemed unnecessary. He lied his head down  next to Jimin's, curling up almost halfway to a fetal position because of his lower back pain and overall exhaustion taking over him.

He soon fell asleep.

   When Jimin came to he blinked his eyes a few times to adjust to his unfamiliar surroundings. He slowly looked down to his right and saw a sleeping Yoongi, with pain strained on his face. He looked around the room and noticed it was late, so he turned over to the clock and read 9:36pm. He decided to get up and go to the bathroom. Once he got back he crawled back into the bed with Yoongi, not caring about a thing in the world. Yoongi sleepily snaked his arms around Jimin's waist and rested his head in the crook of his neck. Jimin smiled slightly and soon fell asleep wrapped up in Yoongi. Jimin didn't know that Yoongi never slept. Only when Jimin was around him or in his thoughts, could he sleep. He was deprived of days without sleep so he gladly slept next to Jimin.
   Jimin realized that it was Friday morning so he didn't care as much about school. He looked down to see Yoongi and smiled softly. He thought to himself about how exhausted Yoongi must've been. He scooted closer and attempted to go back to sleep, but he couldn't. He decided he would just stay awake until Yoongi woke up. He stayed there in Yoongi's arms, admiring his features. His soft skin, his rosy pink and smooth lips, his bleached blond hair that looked almost white, his beautiful long lashes that lined the edge of his gorgeous monolids. He flinched when he joined reality after getting quite literally lost in Yoongi's face, being met with a pair of deep brown eyes. "Geez it's only been a day since we met and you're already falling for me?" Yoongi chuckled, placing the back of his hand against his eyes to block out the sunlight peeping through his curtains. Jimin blushed slightly but not light enough for Yoongi not to notice. Yoongi giggled softly revealing the most beautiful smile Jimin had ever seen. "Relax I'm kidding." Yoongi reassured him. Jimin nodded as if he already knew that, in which he did it just shocked him to actually hear it.
   Yoongi shifted up in his bed and stretched a bit before turning to Jimin. "So should I ask you that answer to my question now or..?" Yoongi hesitantly asked looking into Jimin's eyes. Jimin looked around the room away from Yoongi's gaze and Yoongi spoke up. "Jimin look at me." Jimin hesitantly and slowly turned his head to look at Yoongi. "How much do you weigh?" Yoongi asked Jimin gently but sternly. Jimin opened his mouth to speak but closed it. Yoongi looked Jimin directly in the eyes as if telling him to proceed. "About 54 kilos." Jimin lied. He knew that by now it was at least just lower than 53. Yoongi gave a deep sigh as he ran his fingers through his blond hair. He turned to look back at Jimin. "I want you to promise me a favor, okay?" Jimin nodded slowly. "I want you to eat at least one thing everyday. Whether is be a single cracker or a pack of gummies, I don't care. I want you to eat at least one thing, tell me what it is and how many calories. Can you do that for me?" Jimin looked at Yoongi who was staring at him with pleading eyes. Jimin sighed and nodded his head. "No say you promise." Yoongi said, placing a hand on Jimin's. "I promise." Jimin spoke softly, voice husky from being unused. "Thank you." Yoongi said quietly as he reached out and pulled Jimin in a hug, holding him tight but carefully in fear that the fragile boy in his arms would either break or completely disappear from him forever.
They spent the whole day talking to each other about themselves. Their hobbies, their family, their likes and dislikes, their love for music and many other things about one another. They had long since turned their phones off because of the noise from constantly receiving notifications, most likely from their friends asking where they were. But they didn't care. They were completely engrossed in each other's existence.

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