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   As Jimin walked inside the small building, chiming a bell throughout the room, he smiled when he saw the three boys in the back corner. He walked over to them and took his seat next to Yoongi. "Hey guys." Jimin smiled to the two in front of him as they smiled back and they all talked amongst themselves. While they were talking they ordered drinks, Jimin ordering a glass of water (which didn't go unnoticed by Yoongi.)
   After about an hour Hoseok spoke up. "Jimin, congrats." He smiled sincerely as Jimin's eyes widened slightly and a blush could be seen across his face. He understood immediately what Hoseok meant and nodded shyly. "Ah, thank you hyung." Namjoon and Hoseok just smiled back, silently amused with the younger's obvious embarrassment.
They talked for a while, Jimin sipping from his water every now and then when he felt Yoongi grab his hand under the table. Jimin smiled softly to himself as he tightened his grip. When it reached about 9 o'clock, Yoongi and Jimin said their goodbyes and they all parted ways. No one knew that Yoongi and Jimin were practically living together, so when they walked away together, the older two thought they lived in the same area.
Yoongi and Jimin walked down the streets hand in hand, eventually home. They walked inside and went upstairs, putting their things down and slipping shoes off. Jimin crawled into bed almost immediately. He was exhausted to say the least which Yoongi noticed. He walked over to the closet and stripped out of the hoodie he had been wearing and changed into a sweater instead. He walked over to the bed when finished and crawled in with the tiny boy next to him, wrapping his arms around his small frame. He heard Jimin giggle and smiled to himself. Jimin shifted out of Yoongi's grip and leaned behind him to turn the light off, turning back and sinking into Yoongi's warm embrace. They fell asleep after mere seconds, both tired and drained.


The next morning Jimin awoke noticing the fact that they were tangled in each other's limbs, neither one caring. Jimin smiled to him self as he snuggled closer and wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck, causing the older to grunt in response. Yoongi opened his eyes slowly and smiled at Jimin, who was staring at him. Yoongi looked over to the clock and noticed that they still had about an hour before they usually wake up. He thought to himself about going back to sleep, but he remembered how little Jimin had eaten. He looked back at Jimin and smiled sincerely, placing a hand against the smaller boy's cheek. He kissed the tip of Jimin's nose before speaking up. "Minnie, I'm going to make breakfast. I don't care if you eat a little bit, as long as it's something. Okay?" Jimin gulped harshly but nodded his head nonetheless. Yoongi shifted out of bed but Jimin clung to him, missing the warmth and contact, as Jimin was always cold. Yoongi smirked to himself before bending down and picking Jimin up, causing the red head to wrap his legs around Yoongi's waist, arms hung around his neck, while giggling loudly. Yoongi carried Jimin downstairs and placed him atop the cool counter. Jimin hissed at the contact but soon grew used to the cold tile.
   Jimin watched contentedly as Yoongi cooked something simple, eggs and toast. Once Yoongi was finished he cleaned up and picked Jimin up off of the counter, carrying him to the table, causing Jimin to giggle. He walked to the kitchen grabbing plates of food and coming back to place them on the table. He placed the plate with very little food on it in front of Jimin who looked at it reluctantly. He looked back up to Yoongi who nodded his head. Jimin carefully picked up his fork and stabbed a piece of egg, eyeing it carefully, before slowly bringing it up to his mouth. He opened his mouth hesitantly and ate the egg, chewing slowly. He continued to eat until the plate was empty but he would not eat the toast, in which Yoongi agreed the egg was enough. He proceeded to eat his own plate and carried the now empty plates to the sink so wash. After cleaning, Yoongi walked back to Jimin at the table and gave him a sincere smile before leaning down to kiss his forehead. Jimin closed his eyes and sighed to himself, exhausted with eating. "You did great Minnie, thank you for trying." Yoongi spoke softly with a reassuring smile across his face, as Jimin smiled back, small increments of sadness mixed in. Yoongi then carefully lifted Jimin off the chair and carried him upstairs to the bedroom.
   After placing Jimin down on the bed, he knelt down and took Jimin's hands in his own. "I'm going to get ready first." Jimin smiled and nodded as he watched Yoongi walk away towards the bathroom. Jimin carefully got up from the bed and opened Yoongi's closet. He slipped on the hoodie that Yoongi had worn the day before, a pair of ripped jeans, and put on his vans. He sat back down and patiently waited for Yoongi to come back. Once Yoongi came out of the bathroom, Jimin stood up and they switched places.
When Jimin closed the bathroom door behind him, he took off his clothes and stared at his reflection. Thoughts swarmed his head with words like disgusting. fat. ugly. Jimin felt tears welling up in his eyes but quickly wiped them away, not wanting Yoongi to find out he'd been crying. He slipped his clothes back on and quickly did his routine, checking his hair in the mirror before heading out of the bathroom. He went back to the bedroom and grabbed his things and Yoongi followed his actions. They headed out the door and Jimin almost immediately grabbed Yoongi's hand. Yoongi smiled to himself as he tightened his grip around the tiny hand in his own, and they proceeded to walk to school.

A/N - sorry I've kinda had a lot of writer's block lately :/ please vote and comment, it helps motivate me ❤️

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