Chapter 23: Another "Little" Surprise

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After I zipped up my bags and placed them on the floor next to the bed I climbed in and laid next to Eric, he held me in his arms as he stroked my head. We spent the last day of our honeymoon together all day long. Then we gotta get up early in the morning to catch out flight back to Los Angeles, I wish we didn't have to leave.

Soon we were both asleep, well at least he was. For some reason my brain went back and forth between sleeping and being awake. Around 3:19 am I sat up with my stomach twisting. I decided to smoke one real quick so I turned the lamp on and rolled one up. I felt Eric move a little but stayed asleep. Next thing you know I was standing in the doorway of the backdoor that lead out to the beach.

I blew smoke into the air watching the water sparkle in the moonlight. My stomach still hurt and I could feel myself ready to throw up. I put my blunt out then ran into bathroom. I flipped the light switch on then vomited in the toilet. I groaned feeling my throat burn but more kept coming up. I guess Eric heard me cause he came in and held my hair behind my head. I coughed as little chunks fell out of my mouth.

"Damn you okay?" Eric asked.

"I'm good," I replied catching my breath. I spit into the toilet. Eric shook his head in disgust as he rubbed my back. "Oh fuck," I groaned, wiping my mouth with toilet paper. I flushed the toilet then stood up to brush my teeth as Eric went back to bed.

I crawled in to lay next to him. I buried my face in his neck with my arm over his side as he held my hand. It must've been something I ate earlier, the meat in the sandwich I had was very questionable with it's taste.


A week went by and we've been home. While me and Eric were gone Yella and Dina took care of Ruthless and Cube, Kimberly, and Ren took care of the house. Everything was running smoothly, except for the fact Eric made me stay home today. He is convinced that I'm sick just because I've been hurling here and there. But it's nothing.

"Bring home some chocolate too," I said to him on the phone as I paced around in the kitchen holding a half eaten Hershey bar.

"Why you want all this chocolate all of a sudden?" He asked.

"I just got a craving for chocolate, and watermelon. Ooh bring home some watermelon."


"Okay forget the watermelon, bring the chocolate."

He chuckled. "I'll be home soon."

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too." We hung up.

I went up stairs and decided to take a shower. As I washed myself my stomach began twisting making me feel a little woozy. I finished then dried myself off thinking to myself why am I feeling like this. I put on a black sweat shirt and some panties, then I felt it come up. I rushed into the bathroom puking up everything I ate today. I coughed and groaned as I wiped my mouth with toilet paper then flushed it all down. As I washed my hands I got to thinking, what if I'm.... No!

Underneath the sink in the cabinet I grabbed an old box of tampons that was filled with pregnancy tests. Eric's afraid to even look at these so I hid them in here, men are so weird about that time of the month. I bought a bunch of these after the first time we slept together.

After I peed on one of sticks all I had to do was wait ten minutes for my results. I got nervous. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I lifted my shirt up and admired my stomach. It didn't seem any different and I don't look like I've gained weight. I sat on counter of the sink waiting impatiently. The timer went off and I hopped off the sink and looked at the stick.

My eyes widen and I dropped the stick. Uh oh.

"Oh shit!" I yelled. "Fuck!" I ran my fingers through my hair and paced back and forth. It's positive. I'm pregnant. I sighed and crossed my arms. Ugh, I should've seen this coming. All I could do was stare at the damn thing and my stomach, my stomach that inside my uterus was growing a baby. A baby I conceived with my husband, Eric. I started to calm down a little, realizing that Eric is the only man I've ever loved and I can imagine the reaction on his face once I tell him.

This explains the cravings and the morning sickness though, that's good. I washed the stick and my hands then hid the test under the mattress of our bed. I'm not gonna throw it away. Outside I could hear Eric's car in the driveway. I looked out the window seeing him get out of his car, he just so happened to look up and wave at me. I smiled and waved back. He continued walking so I ran downstairs to meet him at the door.

Once he walked in I jumped in his arms and kissed his plump lips.

"I missed you," I said.

"I missed you too," he said. "You feel better or something?"

"Yeah, much better," I said seductively urging him to come upstairs with me.

"You sure?"

I kissed his cheek. "Trust me, I'm positive."

Eric lifted me up wrapping my legs around him then carried me upstairs. He laid me on the bed kissing me deeply as we removed our clothes from each other. He held one of my thighs as he finger fucked me. I moaned griping his shoulders feeling his two fingers move around inside me. Eric replaced his fingers with his erect manhood and shoved it in me. I moaned louder feeling him thrust and pump as held his shoulders, digging my nails in his skin.

Eric's birthday is in two days, I'll tell him then.

I'm sure it was pretty obvious once she threw up the first time or whatever gave it away before the pregnancy test. But yay Tamera's pregnant! How do you think Eric is gonna react to it? You think it's a boy or a girl? Vote and comment. Thanks

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