Chapter 26: Shower Time

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I'm 8 months pregnant now, my belly is huge. 

"Eric!" I called for him. "I need help."

He rushed in holding his hand out with his other arm around me and help me up off the couch. I'm so big it's nearly impossible to get up on my own. Eric took me upstairs and got me into bed. Hours went by and it was hard for me to sleep. I can't lay on my stomach, my back hurts and the baby is pretty much active whenever she wants to be. I tossed and turned trying to get at least three hours of sleep. Some nights it's hard to even sleep at all. Tonight she really was having a party inside me, I can feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I sat up with my legs over the edge of the bed. I held my stomach inhaling and exhaling. 

"Eric," I whimpered. He stayed asleep. "Eric," I growled through gritted teeth. He just grunted. "Eric!" I hit him in the face with a pillow.

"Huh? What?" He sat up. He crawled up behind me as he saw me in agony and held my hand while rubbing my back. "Are you okay?"

I slowly nodded. "Oh when's this gonna be over?" I whined. "I'm so uncomfortable."

"I know you are. Just gotta hang in there for another six weeks."

I groaned in frustration. "I hate you."

He kissed my neck. "I love you too."

Eventually the pain slowly went away and Eric helped me fall asleep. We were supposed to have my baby shower that day but I was so exhausted that I canceled it and moved it to the week after. Dina was having it at her house and she got pissed off because she already had everything decorated and food cooked. I really didn't give a fuck though, she isn't the one growing a human inside her uterus.

The following week we did have the baby shower, Dina hosted it at her house. All the decorations were different shades of purple. Pretty much my closest friends and some family members showed up, everyone brought gifts. Dina and Cube set up this little love seat for me to sit in so I was comfortable, I was to put my feet up and lay back. 

"This place looks great," I said. "It's like a little purple palace up in here."

"It looks great," Cube agreed. 

"I still think you should've gone with pink," Dina said. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't like pink plus it's too cliché. Purple is way better."

"Hey baby everyone is here," Eric said crouching next to me.

"Okay. Can I open the presents now?"

"Yeah if you open mine first," Yella said walking in. 

"I don't know if I want to." I responded looking at him sideways. 

"Trust me you gonna love it."

"Give it here." He handed me a little red paper bag.

" He handed me a little red paper bag

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