16 years later

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Paige was born on August 5th 2002 at 6:58pm.
Paige at 16: (Paige's pov) January

"Paige wake up, you're going to be late for school!" My Dad yelled, he was getting ready for work.
"I'm coming!"
"Not to loud you father is still sleeping, he doesn't have to go to work till later!"
I call Marvin father and Whizzer dad. I have always been a daddy's girl. To my dad I'm his little Paigey and will always be. To father I'm a pain in the head that will never go away.
I walk out in a cream color sweater and light blue jeans, with my light brown hair in a high ponytail and my light brown healed boots.

"Well don't you look cute Paigey"
"Good morning dad!"
"You ready, I'm going to drop you off at school and then I have a photo shot to do at noon."
"Yes, I'm ready and that sounds fun" I laugh and then notice my father looking like a mess staying in the doorway to the kitchen.

"Good morning father"
"Morning Paige" Marvin says rubbing his eyes.
"Morning Marv, I'm dropping Paige off and then I have work." Whizzer goes over and kisses Marvin good morning and goodbye.

"I'm not going to work today I'm taking the day off so I can pick up the pain in the head after school." Father says looking at me with a smirk.
"Okay will then I will see after to school father!" I hug him goodbye and go outside into the White ford.
The car ride was shorter then usual which sucked.
"Paige have fun a school! I love you see you later"
"Love you to dad" I walk out of the car to go into what should be called hell. High school, I have never had trouble in school I'm a smart girl the only trouble I have is with other kids. When people find about my dads they call me things and make my life a miserable mess.

Whizzer and Marvin's Paige {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now