That's it!

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"That's it!" Father yelled during dinner.
I just looked down at my plate.
"What's it Marvin?"
"We are going to Paige's school and talking to her principal!"
"Why?"Dad ask. He knew why but he wanted to know why he is doing this now.
"Because I got an email saying Paige wasn't in Trigonometry today, care to explain?"

All I had to say was one word

"That dick! What did he do now Paigey."
"He was just being his normal self but I just couldn't take it anymore it was getting annoying and he won't leave me alone. I tried to tell him to leave but he wouldn't listen to me." I said this as I played with my food, with the fork.
"Whizzer either you call the principal tomorrow about this or I will!"
"Okay, Marvin. Paigey I'm so sorry about this, I went through the same thing almost but it was all about me not my parents. I got called a f*g and stuff like that. Let me just tell you it will get better. I promise you."
"Thanks dad. I'm done with dinner it was delicious. I'm going up to my room, if you need me."
I left and went on my phone and FaceTimed John.
FaceTime call with John:

"Hey Paige!"
"Hi John. Guess what?"
"Kevin is going to date me!"
I laughed "No. I just finished dinner and my father yelled-"
"Sounds like Marvin."
"Sorry, it's true."
"Anyway, He is going to call Mr Stanley and make a appointment to talk with him about Chris."
"Oh, shit is about to go down."
"I know. You shouldn't get my father pissed off, he is not the prettiest when he is."
John laughed.
"Jonathan David Weisenbachfeld!" I heard Trina yell.
"What did you do now?"
"I think it's about my grades...again." He rolled his eyes and yelled back "What!"
"Get down here right now your father and I have to talk to you!"
"Can it wait! I'm talking to Paige!"
"No say goodbye! You can see Paige tomorrow!"
"Ugh! Fine!"
"Goodbye Paige."
"Goodbye Jonathan." I smiled he just rolled his eyes and hung up.

I honestly forgot that John is his nickname and his real name is Jonathan. Whatever. I just continue to lay down on my phone looking through Instagram. Then father came in to talk to me.

"Hey Paige." He stood in my door way.
"Hi Father."
"May I talk to you?"
"Yeah sure come in."
Father came in and sat at the end of my bed.
"So are you okay with your dad and I talking to Mr Stanley?"
"Yeah it's fine." I said and father looked at me.
"I'm so sorry Paige. I'm so sorry that this is happening to you, honey. I mean it. It's so sad to see you go through this."

Father hugged me with tears in his eyes. I hugged him back. As we were hugging dad walks in and just stands there with his eyes all filled with love.
"Aww. My two favorite people being cute." Dad then came in and hugged us too.
Father and dad kissed.
"Goodnight Paigey." Dad kissed my forehead.
"Night Paige."
"Night. Love you both."
"We do too honey." Father said.
Father and Dad left.

I scrolled through my instagram for the rest of the night. I ask John to text me when he was done talking with Trina and Mendel. He never did. God only knows what I happened. So I texted him to ask.

Paige: hey John is everything okay? What happened with Trina and Mendel? How much trouble did you get into?

                            John: Hello Paige, it's Mendel. John has been grounded for a few weeks due to grades. He is not allowed to be on his phone. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hope you have a Goodnight.

Paige: Oh sorry to hear that. Thanks for letting me know. Goodnight Mendel.

Well now my best friend is grounded and during the worst time. Ugh life is so hard.

Whizzer and Marvin's Paige {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now