Family Dinner part 2

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"I'M GAY!"

These words that came out of John Weisenbachfeld mouth that made Trina say
"What, did you say honey?"
"Trina I think you heard John loud and clear." My father said
"John don't say stuff that isn't true." Trina is trying to not listen to John.

"Mom I'm gay. I like boys."
"Like Kevin." I said with smile. John just looked at me with I look that said really Paige you say that now.

"Who is Kevin?" Mendel now started to talk.
"Kevin is a boy John likes!"
"Paige Annabeth let John speak for himself!" My father raised his voice at me. I guess he knows what it is like coming out to Trina.

"Fine, John who is Kevin?" I said pissed off my father notice and groaned.

"Mom, Dad, Kevin is this boy I like." Trina's eyes widen.
"John, honey stop speaking nonsense. What you are feeling is just a phase. It will pass soon."
"Trina, you said the same thing to me when you found out about Whizzer and I. Guess what Trina it is not a phase."

"John how long have you be out of the closet?" Mendel ask trying to use his  psychiatrist skills.
"2 years, um Paige was the first to know."
"Okay, so is this Kevin special? Better yet how do you feel about him?"
"Yeah dad he is special he is also gay. If I talk to him I get to distracted."
"What his is trying to say is that he is wondering what his ass looks like." My dad stays which get Trina upset
"Whizzer!!" My father yelled
"Sorry but that what I said to my parents before I got kicked out. I said I get distracted."

"But my John doesn't think of that, John?"
"Umm... I have to use the bathroom." John looks at my father because he forgot where the bathroom was.

"Down the hall, the second door to the left."
"Thank you, Marvin."
John left.

"Whizzer can I speak to you in our room?"
"Ugh, why?"
"Cause I said so!"
"Fine Dad." My dad jokes like this all the time whenever my father says things like he is talking to me or Jason. My father just roles his eyes.

The leave My alone with Trina and Mendel.

"So Paige you knew for 2 years?" Mendel asks.
I'm uncomfortable I just want my dads to come back. I don't want to answer.
"Oh, sorry Mendel. Umm yeah I knew."
"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Trina says
"Because my dads tell me their coming out stories all the time and I knew John need to tell people when he was ready."

God can't my dads be done talking. What the hell are they even talking about.
In Marvin and Whizzer's room ( Whizzer's pov)

I swear sometimes Marvin treats me like a kid. I hate it. He dragged me into our room, normally when he does this we go in for sex but not this time.

"Whizzer That was so f**cking unacceptable, what you said out there about John!"
"I was just saying what was true and trying to lighten the mood."
"Whizzer you don't understand when you are coming out to Trina it is hard, thanks to me John my not be loved anymore cause his gay!"
"Marvin it is not you fault! Don't say that." I try to calm him down before something bad happens. Not saying anything but he almost hit me once, and I don't want that happening specially since we have Paige now. I mean Paige is use to us fighting but I don't want her seeing her father be abusive and get scared of being around her father.

"Whizzer let's just go back before Mendel or Trina try to get something out of Paige."
"Wait Marv!"
"What Whizzer?!?"
"I love you and I'm sorry."
"I love you too, Whiz."
He goes over and kisses me. I grab his ass.

"What I like that ass of yours!"
"Not now, my ex wife, ex psychiatrist, there kid and our kid are here."
"But." I say thing like this like a baby Marvin hates it.
"Stop sounding like a baby, and let's get back out there."
"Fine! Let's go save Paige's ass!"

We leave.
Back in Paige's pov

"Hey Paige we are back, John still in the bathroom?" Dad asks
"Um Trina are you okay?"
"I think we are going to leave thank you for the takeout." Mendel states.
"You knew?!?"
"Yes we knew."
"What about John you can't leave without him?" I ask confused then Mendel says
"I hate be this kinda parent but I think it's best if John doesn't come home tonight."
"You are kicking him out?!?!!" I'm in shock Mendel would never do anything like that.
"No god no I would never do that to John, but Trina needs a night with just me and not John."
"What Mendel?!"
"Watch John for the night, will you?"
"Um sure."

The Weisenbachfeld's left without John.

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