Family dinner part 1

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"Paige did you finish setting up the table for tonight's dinner!" My father yelled
"Almost!" I yelled back
"What do you mean almost!"
"I just have to put the glasses down!"
"Well hurry up!"
"Marvin what is the matter" Whizzer goes over to Marvin putting his arms around his waist. "We have had family dinners before, why are you so stressed out?"

"Whiz we haven't had a family dinner here since Paige was little, we don't have them here because we both suck at cooking." Marvin goes to sit down on the edge of the bed having a anxiety attack over this whole family dinner.

"Marv, it's going to be okay we will get take out, then put it in a pan and pretend that we made it! Trina won't know the difference!" Whizzer laughs and Marvin groans.

"If only it was that easy with Trina, Whiz but to her every single f**cking thing has to be "lovely" and I can't take it anymore"
"Marvin calm down, it is going to be an amazing! I love you and I will go get Chinese food to pretend to fake cook."

They kiss.
"Father I finish setting the table."
"Thanks Paige, that means a lot to me that you are better then what Jason used to be." Father kisses me on the forehead. He doesn't really do that to me so when he does he really means what he says.

Dad returns with a bag of food heading to the kitchen.

"Dinner will be ready when they get here. This will so work Marv!"
"Whatever you say Whiz!"

"Paige go help your dad pretend cook dinner." We laugh. Our  family is probably the only family who pretends to cook take out food to make it look like we can actually cook.
  The Weisenbachfeld's arrive.

The door bell rings.

"Paige can you get the door!"
"Yeah Father!" I open the door

"Hello Paige." Mendel greeted me wearing his favorite blue sweater.
"Hi Paige." Trina greeted me wearing a pink short sleeve sweater with a long skirt.
"Hey Paige!" John hugged me, he was wearing an outfit that my dad would wear.  John was nervous I could tell. I mean I will be too if I was telling my parents that I was gay.

"Marvin do you need help with anything!" Trina yelled.
My father came out. "No, Trina. Paige set the table and Whizzer is cooking."

"What's for dinner? Well whatever it is it smells good!" Mendel asked smelling the air.
"Whizzer made homemade Chinese food." I looked at my father and started to laugh. It was funny just the thought of dad making homemade Chinese food when he just went out and bought the food.

"Did Whizzer really make homemade Chinese food Marv?" Trina asked with a raised eyebrow
Whizzer said to Marvin "Shit she is catching on to us Marv!" We all laughed even John but very quietly.

"Well lets all sit down at the table and eat." Father said. We all sat down

Family dinners were okay, I mean fighting happened and Mendel tried to get everyone to stop. The only thing I missed about the old ones was that Jason was there but now he is in college and doesn't come home until the spring.

"So What is going on in everyone's life?" Dad ask as he was putting fried rice on my plate. I'm 16 and he still makes my plate for dinner.

"Well Mendel got a raise at work!" Trina said with a smile while father rolled his eyes.
"Well Trina did you know that Whizzer got a big photoshot for a magazine!" They were starting to fight.

"That is great for Whizzer, but John got a 95 on his pre SAT's!"
"Oh yeah Paige got a 100 on a pre Ap test!"
"Ok guys let's be adults!" Mendel tried to stop Trina and father.
"Trina stop trying to one up me!"
"You started Marvin!"
"Everyone calm down!"
"MENDEL SHUT UP!!" My father yelled

Everyone was yelling at each other and out of that your heard
"I'M GAY!!!"
John screamed it out loud. Everyone stopped.

Trina stared at her son with tears forming in her eyes.

John just came out.

Whizzer and Marvin's Paige {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now