Home from school

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The next day passed let's just say that Chris didn't bother me that much today. That made me very happy, that I didn't have to deal with that today. Dad picked me up from school. Then we went home.

"How was your day today Paige? Did the dicks bother you again?"
"Not really I heard side comments when I did something. But I just ignored them."
"Well that's good that you did that. Cause if it happens again your father and I will have to go in and talk to that principal of yours. Paige do you want some tea?"
"No thanks dad."
"Okay. I guess I will just make myself some."
"Okay. You do that. Have fun making you tea."
Dad laughed "Paige you are so sarcastic it's not even funny. You get that one from me!"
"Whatever you say dad."
"Oh shut up Paige! I gotta get started on dinner. And my tea!"
"I swear if it linguine again I'm gonna go out to eat somewhere else!"
"How do you like you linguine!" Dad laughed and I rolled my eyes. "I'm kidding. We are having chicken with some salad."
"And can you cook chicken?"
Now I was the one laughing. God only knows if dad is going to have to go out and get take out. As Dad "cooked" I went into my room to do my homework.

"What Paige!"
"I need help!"
"With What!"
"What kind!"
"Hell no! Ask your father when he gets home!"

A little bit after that I heard dad scream in the kitchen.

"I burnt the chicken!"
"Oh my god."
"It's fine I will just cut it out. The burnt parts!"

I knew this was going to happen. Father was going to come home to smell of burnt chicken.

Speaking of father. He came home and I could tell he was not in a get mood.

"Hi father."
"Hey Paige." He smiled but that smile didn't last for that long. "What the f**k is that smell?!?"

Dad came out of the kitchen. "I burnt dinner."
"Whizzer! Really, after a bad day at work I expect to come home to a non burnt dinner!"
"Hey I tried my best and that's all that matters!"
"What even was it?"
"Chicken and salad."
"Did you burn the salad?"
"No! Who would burn a salad?!?"
"We never know with you, Whizzer!"
"Hey my cooking has gotten much better from when we first met."
"Sure it has." Father goes over to dad and Kisses him. "Well when will dinner be ready?"
"I don't know."
"Why don't you just go out and get take out, Whizzer."
"Okay I will. Love you Marvi."
"I said Marvi, I just came up with that."
"I hate it don't call me that. Only Marvin or Marv."
"Fine. I will be back with dinner. Paige ask you father for help now!"
"Okay I will."
Dad left to go get take out.

"What is your dad talking about Paige. What do you need help with?"
"Trigonometry homework."
"Yes, Really. I tried it and it makes like no sense."
"Fine. Just let me get a beer, today was not a good day at work."
"Okay. I can wait."
"I'm glad you can."

Father went into the kitchen to get a beer. He came back into the dining room, where I had brought my homework so he could help me.

"So What kinda Trigonometry is it?"
"This kind." I handed father the sheet.
Father just looked at the paper. Looking at it with an confused face.
"Paige I don't understand this just try your best. Thats all I can tell you is just try it. At least get it done. This way you get credit for it. Okay?"
"Okay. I guess."
I sat down and "tried" to do my Trigonometry homework. Then dad walks in with dinner.

We sat down for dinner ate, laughed and other stuff. Then we watch tv and went to bed.

As I laid down in my bed I heard father and dad talking about me and what has been going on with the father whole school thing.

Whizzer and Marvin's Paige {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now