Just a normal day

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"Whizzer did you call the school today."
Marvin said on the phone.
"No. Sorry Marv I have been busy. So many people are calling me to set up photoshots."
"It's fine Whiz. I guess I will call."
"Really? Your not mad?!?"
"Who are you and what have done to my husband?" I laughed.
"I just wanna get this over with and have Paige be better."
"Me too, me too."
"Well I will call to make an appointment. I will call you back to tell if and when we are going."
"Okay. Love you Marvin."
"Love you too, Whiz."
Marvin pov

I dialed the number for the school.

"Hello welcome Washington high school. If you know your extension number please dial it now. Press 1 for attendance, press 2 for the main office."

I pressed 2.

"To talk to the vice principal Mrs Hill press 4, to talk to the dean of students Mr. Murphy press 6, and to talk to the principal Mr Stanley press 7."

I pressed 7 hearing the dial tone and waiting for an answer.

"Hello, Mr Stanley Principal of Washington high school. How may I help you?"
"Hello Mr Stanley. This is Marvin Feldman father of Paige FeldmanBrown."
"Oh hello Mr Feldman."
"I was wondering if my husband and I could talk to you about what has been happening to Paige at school."
"Why sure. But what exactly is happening to Paige at school?"
"She is getting teased for having two dads."
"I'm sorry to hear that. Yes you and your husband can come in to talk about this. I'm free Friday at noon. How is that?"
"That should be fine, let me just double check with my husband then I will get back to you."
"Okay, sure thing. Have a nice day Mr Feldman."
"Thanks. You too Mr. Stanley."

Th phone call ended. Then I called You Whizzer.
The phone rang.

"Hey Marv."
"Hey Whiz, how is this Friday 12:00 for the meeting?"
"Pm or am?"
"Obviously pm Whizzer!"
"I was just making sure."
"So can you go?"
"Let me check really quick."

"Yeah I'm good. I have nothing booked Friday."
"Okay good. Bye Whiz, love you."
"Bye Marvin. Love you too."
I emailed Mr Stanley to confirm the appointment. Now we just had to wait for Friday to try and get this whole thing settled.
Paige's pov

I came home from school to dad sitting on the couch with a notebook. Papers everywhere and a rare site of him wearing his glasses.

Dad didn't even notice I walked in till I sat down next to him.

"Oh hey Paigey. How was your day?"
"It was good."
"That's good."
"How was your day dad?"
"Busy. I have so many photoshots to do. Who knew people wanted there picture taken by Whizzer Brown."
"I would. I mean you are amazing. After all you did my newborn pictures and they are amazing."
"Aww thanks sweetie." Dad smiled at me then went back to his work. I went to the dining room and started my homework.

Dad walked in to get a cup of tea.
"Oh Paige by the way, your father and I are talking to Mr Stanley Friday."
"Okay, do I have to go?"
"I'm not sure Paige."
"What homework do you have."
"Ap lit, Trigonometry, Ap history, Pre Ap biology and Italian."
"I'm glad I'm not in high school anymore." Dad laughed. Then went back to organize his stuff for work. Father will be home in an hour. Normally dad would start dinner now so a fight didn't happen, but he was to into his work.

"Um Dad!"
"What Paige?!?"
"Aren't you going to start dinner?"
"We're having take out tonight!"

Soon after that it was 6:00 father should be home. I tried to finish up all my homework before he gets home this way he won't get mad that I'm in my room and not spending time with him and dad.

6:02 pm the door opened to a once again tired man. Father walked in dropped his briefcase and dropped his coat on the floor, which made dad who was seemingly paying attention even though it looked like he wasn't, say.

"Hang up your clothes Marvin!"
"Hello to you too, Whizzer." Father plopped down next to dad.
"Let me guess tough day at work, again."
"Yep. God I can't go one day with out a meeting or a stupid phone call."
"I'm sorry about that babe." Dad didn't look up at father he was rewriting his schedule for the next couple of weeks.
"Well some ones busy."
"Yeah, Sorry so many people called me. I'm doing somebody's wedding photos. I'm doing a lot of stuff."
"As long as you are free on Friday we are good."
"Yeah I am."
"Thank the god. Also where is my kiss?"
"Ugh, can it wait."
"Like dinner. I know you didn't start yet."
"The pizza guy should be here any minute."
"Takeout again?"
"Hey, when your are busy but need to feed you family what would you do?"
"I would Fine time to make the dinner."
"Whatever, I'm almost done. Did you say hi to your daughter."
"No, she's in the dining room finishing up her homework?"

Father walled I. To say hi.

"Hey Paige."
"Hi Father."
"How was school? Did Chris say anything?"
"No he wasn't here today."
"That must of made you happy."
"It did, But the thing that sucked is that me and John can now only talk during lunch cause he got his phone taken away. So we had to pack everything into a 30 min time frame."
"Yeah That must suck."

Father headed out to go to his room to get comfortable. Then came back and sat with dad. A knock was on the door it was the pizza delivery guy.

"Paige get it please."
"Okay" I went and opened the door to the pizza guy who looked oddly familiar.
"Whizzer Brown?"
"That's my dad."
"Oh, here's  the pizza that will be $20 plus a tip."
"Who said you would get one?"
"Just thought I deserve it."
"Dad! I need 21 dollars!"
"For what?"
"The pizza dumb ass." Father said.
"Oh yeah. Here." I walk to the couch to get the money then came back.
"Here you go. Also a dollar tip."
"Thanks Paige."
"Wait what. Excuse me what did you say?"
"Paige. That's you name right?"
"Yes it is but how did you know that?"
"It's me Kevin from you school."
"Oh Kevin! Hey. Thanks for the pizza see you tomorrow." That's Why he looked familiar he is Kevin I wish I could text this to John right now.

"I got the pizza!"
"Ok great let's eat, Whizzer can you gets drinks?"
"Yeah sure Marvin."
I got the plates, dad got father a drink him a drink then asked me what I wanted.
"Paige, drink?"
"Oh Can I have a can of soda, please."
"Yes, you can." He brought over everyone's drinks. Then we sat down and ate.

Father and dad talked, a lot. While I just wondered about Kevin and John and how I could maybe get them together. We talked about Friday. Also our next family dinner at Trina and Mendel's place. Overall the day was pretty good. No fighting happened at all at school or at home. My life was finally turning around.

Whizzer and Marvin's Paige {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now