That friday

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I was at school. The day of father and dad went to talk to Mr Stanley. While I was at school father and dad got ready for the meeting.
Marvin's pov

It's was 11:45am. We were going to be late and it was once again all Whizzer's fault.

"I don't know what to wear!"
"It doesn't matter!" I rolled my eyes. Whizzer always does this.
"I does too! Marvin we are having a meeting with someone." Whizzer then came out holding a teal silk like button down shirt and a pink and white striped pollo. "Which one?"
"I don't care."
"Marvin please!"
"Fine! The first one with the dark blue blazer."
"Thank you." Whizzer went back into our room and got dressed and did his hair.

"I'm done."
"You couldn't go any faster. Know we are going to be late."
"It takes time and skill to look and dress like this if course you wouldn't know."
"Let's go."

"I'll drive!" Whizzer went to grab the keys.
"No, I will." I took the keys from him and we both went to the car.
We arrived at Paige's school.
"Great were a minute late!" I looked down at my watch. Whizzer just continued to walk in the building.
He hit the button and one of the main office ladies answered.

"Hello. How may I help you?"
"Hi, I'm Marvin Feldman and this is my husband Whizzer Brown and we are here to talk to Mr Stanley about our daughter Paige FeldmanBrown."
"Do you have an appointment?"
"May I see both of your id?"
"Yes ma'am." I pulled out my drivers license for her to look at through the camera and so did Whizzer.

"Come on in."

We went in and sat in the office and waited for Mr Stanley to come out and get us.

"I feel like I'm back in high school. I was always in the principal's office." Whizzer whispered.
"Why was that? May I ask?"
"I was a troublemaker back then."
"You know I failed classes, came to school an hour late like everyday, cut classes." I was shocked that I just found out about this.

"So Whizzer Brown was a troublemaker?"
"Yes sir." He nodded his head.

A couple of minutes after Mr Stanley came out to get us.

"Hello Mr and Mr FeldmanBrown. Just wait a moment I want Mrs. Forest to call Paige up here."
"I didn't know Paige was going to be at the meeting." Whizzer whispered when Mr Stanley wasn't paying attention.
"Me either."

"Paige should be here in a minute."
"Let's just wait fine for her." Mr Stanley stated.

12:04pm Paige is in the office.

"Hello Ms. FeldmanBrown."
"Hi, Mr. Stanley. Hi father, dad."
"Hi Paige." Whizzer said.
"Let's go in my office and talk about this."
"Okay." We all followed him into his office and sat down. The meeting began.
During the meeting.

"So I understand something is happening with Paige. I'm correct?" Mr Stanley looked at me. Of course he would I was the one who called him for this to happen.

"Yes. She is getting bullied for have two dads."

"I am so sorry to hear that Paige. We can use names in her please just tell me what has been happening."

"Okay. So Chris Price, is making comments at me about my dad and father. It has always been like this. This one day when father-"

"Which one?" Paige got interrupted by her principal. She got mad. I could tell. She is like me when she is talking she would just like to finish then the person can talk after.

"I call him dad." Pointing over at Whizzer. "And him father." Pointing at me.

"Okay. Thanks for clearing that up for me." Paige just stared at me. She was clearly saying Father he never apologize for cutting me off. What the hell. I looked back at her. It's okay honey just ignore it and continue. She did.

At the end of Paige talking about what has happened. Mr. Stanley took some notes. Then looked at Whizzer and I.

"So Mr and Mr FeldmanBrown I'm so sorry to Here about this it's really wrong that Paige is dealing with this, but Chris does have a right to say what he wants." Whizzer and I were shocked. Why would he say that. He has a right to f**king leave my daughter alone.

"Excuse me?" Whizzer raised his eyebrow.

"I'm sorry is there something wrong Mr. FeldmanBrown?"

"Yes, yes there is. Why are you saying that. I mean yes he has a freedom of speech but not if it hurts others!" Whizzer gets mad at this kind of stuff.

"I think maybe Chris should be called up to this meeting. What do you say?"

"That's fine."
"Yeah it's fine. Paige?" I just looked at her. She looked like she didn't want to be here.

"That Okay. I guess?"

"Okay, I will go call him up."

Mr. Stanley left to call Chris up. Later Chris came up.

"Good morning Mr Price please sit down." Chris sat down. Next to Whizzer. He looked like a little bitch.

"I think you now Why your here. Mr and mr FeldmanBrown have complained about Paige being bully for having to dads and she said you had something involved with it. Is that true?"
He smiled like he was proud of making Paige's life miserable.

"Yes and I only did it because her lifestyle is what I go against and it goes against my religion." Great someone bring in their religion. Whizzer was very interested in what Chris was going to say next.

"And What is your Religion?" Whizzer asked with an raised eyebrow.

"Mormon." Great a f**king Mormon we are dealing with. No wonder he is making fun of Paige.  Whizzer rolled his eyes in disgust, he told me something in his life has to do with Mormons. (Don't take offense to this all religions are great!)

"Well you shouldn't make fun of Paige for that just keep it to your self." I stated. Mr Stanley wrote something down.

"That's not what my father told me. He told me that I should say what I should say to protect me."

"So making fun of me protects you?" Paige said questioning what had just come out of Chris' mouth.

"Well we if you do physical things to me like you did!" Mr Stanley instally snap out of taking notes when he heard Paige say that.

"Ms. FeldmanBrown what does he mean?" I knew what he meant and it was a little scratch not the end of the world.

"She scratched my arm!"

"Ms. FeldmanBrown! Did you two know about this!"

"Yes we did and me and my husband knew it was a little scratch Paige the of us he was not bleeding or had any marks." Whizzer sat firmly in his chair. Mr Stanley just looked.

"We are done here." He said.

"But mr Stanley there is more to say." I claimed  but apparently he was done with us cause he "in school suspension for two days Mr Price and three lunch detentions for you Ms FeldmanBrown." What did he just say?

"What! Why do I get detention for three days?!?"

"Because you physically abused someone."

"It was a stupid scratch." Paige was getting mad angry upset you could name everything that a person could feel when mad about something and Paige was feeling all of them.

"Do you want to make it 4 Ms FeldmanBrown!" His voice raised.

"Paige it's okay." Whizzer said to make her shut up, not to get her in anymore trouble. She just stood there was a blank look on her face.

"You two May go back to class. As for you mr and mr FeldmanBrown we are done here good day."
"Good day." Whizzer and I both said.

And just like that the meeting was over. It didn't exactly go as plan but it was short of taken care of.

Whizzer and Marvin's Paige {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now