The aftermath

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I soon as Trina and Mendel left the bathroom door opened, John came out of the bathroom.

"Where's Mom and Dad?"
"John why don't you sit down." My father said.
"Oh my god the kicked me out! I knew this was a bad idea." John started to cry.
"John no they are not kicking you out, Trina um your mother just needs to be away from you to have things settle in."
"Well were do I stay?"
"Here. You can sleep in Jason's room."
"Thank you, thank you so much Marvin."

John goes into Jason's room and dad and father started to fight and it was bad.
The fight started out little and it was all about the dinner.

"Well that sucked." Dad said
"I swear I hate Mendel now."
"Marv, don't say that he is a nice main."
"Who's side are you on Whizzer!"
" I didn't know there were sides!"
They stop for a minute. I just sat there until my dad grabs my fathers ass.

"Whizzer Brown! I already told you not now!"
I sit still in my seat, I listen to my dads.
"Marv, come on."
"Not with Paige in the living room!"
"It's not like Paige hasn't seen us kiss before! I'm sure I'm allowed to grab your ass in front of her and she won't mind!"
"Whizzer I said no!"
"God Marvin, I'm trying to love you and you turn away do you even love me anymore!"

That is when things got bad as soon as dad said those 6 words. "Do you even love me anymore."

"Whizzer why the f**k would I never love!"
"I don't know Marvin it seems like you don't!"
"I swear Whizzer Brown!"
"What do swear Marvin, tell me, tell me now!"

I heard a slap. I froze. My heart stopped.
All I heard from the other room is
"Whiz, baby I'm so sorry, you know I would never do that to you."
All of a sudden my dad walks out goes to their room. My father follows both ignoring that fact that I'm right there.

"Whizzer what are you doing?"
"I'm packing!"
"We are married you can't just leave!"
"I will probably leave just for the night Marv!"
"Whizzer I'm so sorry!"
"Why the f**k are you apologizing. You know I never wanted Paige to know this side of you Marvin. Thanks to your behavior your daughter, who you call a pain in the head even though she is the most sweetest and special thing that ever happened to me. Might be scared of you!"
"Whiz, please stay I will make it up to you!"
"No Marvin, bye!"

My dad heads out the front door. First he gives me a kiss.
"Paigey I will be just next door for the night, try to be careful around your father. I love you honey."
"I love you too dad."

And just like that he was gone.
That night I couldn't sleep. I could hear John snoring from my room so I do what my Dad probably won't want me to do. I went into there room.

"Father." I whisper
I forgot that he doesn't wake up that easily. So I tapped him. That didn't work so I shook him and said
He woke up he looked like a mess.
"Paige, what do you want?"
"I can't sleep."
"Why not?"
"John snores to loud."
"Just try."
"But I can't try I have tried."
"Go lay down on your dads side."
"Goodnight Paige, I'm sorry."
"Goodnight father."

I fell asleep. But for a minute I heard crying, coming from my father.

It was 2:00 in morning.

Whizzer and Marvin's Paige {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now