Kids are Dicks

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"Dad can you come pick me up?"
"Why? Are you okay Paige?"
"Apparently today is National make fun of Paige's dads day."
"When father drop me off this morning a bunch jocks laughed. So I just ignored them until Chris grab my arm and said you dressed like a man whore. I scratch his arm and ran. But then he cut John on the lunch line told me I have a messed up family then John tried to help but Chris told him to shut up and called him a homo!" I was crying.
"Okay, Paige let me just look presentable then I will come and get you. It will be okay. Love you honey!"
"Love you too dad!"

At least dad was coming to pick me up.
Lunch was over. I had math, but dad was going to pick me up soon.

"Mr. Henry?" Was called on the loud speaker I the middle of our trigonometry lesson.
"Do you have Paige FeldmanBrown?"
"Can you send here up she is leaving!"
"Okay! Bye Paige, here is the homework. If you have any questions email me."
"Okay. Thank you Mr Henry."
I left the classroom to go to my locker to put something away. Then I left school.
I went out of the school building where dad was standing outside of the car. I walked up to him and he gave me a big hug.

"Hey Paigey." I didn't say anything I just hugged him.
"Let's get in the car and go home." I followed dad into the car. My eyes were still filled with tears. Dad noticed. I saw him frown.
"Paige I am so sorry about what happened to you today. Is it always like this?"
I nodded then said "sometimes it's okay, but sometimes they are all just dicks."
"Well if me and your father have to we will go in and talk to your principal. Cause you can't deal with this anymore. Kids are dicks Paige. It's a true given fact." Dad was trying to make me feel better. I mean it was kinda working, but kinda not.

We got home and dad said he was going to go call father. He did and told father that I was home.
"Okay your father said he would leave early but he can't he has too much work to do."
"Okay. Dad?"
"Yeah, Paigey?"
"Thank you."
"Your welcome honey." Dad kissed my forehead. "I would do anything to make sure no one hurts you. Physically or emotionally."
"I love you dad." I hugged him.
"Love you too Paigey."

We waited for father to come home. Dad attempted to make dinner. He cussed at the kitchen like eight times, because he can't cook. But later we heard keys and the door open father was home.

"Marvin! I'm so glad you are home!" Father and dad kiss.
"Hey Paige, how are you?"
"Okay, I guess."
"Come here Paige." I went over to father and gave him a hug. "I love you honey."
"I love you to father."
"If you want we can talk about what happened during dinner."
"Maybe." I just said quietly. I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk about it.
"Speaking of dinner is it almost ready, Whiz?!?"
"Yeah. F**k!!"
"I burnt myself! Marv come in here! Please!"
"Ugh Fine Whiz!" Father just looks at me and rolls his eyes. He left for the kitchen. I sat in the living room. Put the tv on. Father then comes back and sits with me.

"You dad just has a little burn, he will live."
"Okay. That's good." Father laughs. Then I got a text.

John: hey Paige can I come over so we can go talk??? If it's okay with Whizzer or Marvin.

Paige: let me ask.
"Hey father?"
"Yeah Paige?"
"Can John come over?"
"If it's okay with Trina or Mendel!"

Paige: my father said if it Okay with Trina or Mendel.

John: it is Mendel said he would drive me.

Paige: k
"He said it's okay and Mendel will drive him."
"Okay. Whizzer can John come over?!?"
"He can come over Paige."
"Okay, Thanks father."

Paige: you can come over. When are you leaving?

         John: I'm leaving now! See you soon! 💗

Paige: k see you! 💗
"John is coming! He said he is leaving now!" I yelled.
"Hey Paige can you not yell." My father said. I rolled my eyes.

John: I'm here!

Paige: kk!
"John is here!"

There was a knock on the door. I opened the door. It was John and Mendel.

"Hey John! And Mendel!"

Whizzer and Marvin's Paige {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now