Urgent Care

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(Paige pov)

I arrived at urgent care with my dad who was scared. I mean I was too I had an 103 fever but I knew I was okay.

"Ok Paigey do u need help getting out of the car."
"No dad I'm good I got this."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sorry Paigey. I'm just-"
"Scared. Dad it will be okay." I go to hold his hand to cross the street to go into the building.

When we got there I sat down. I was shivering. It's wasn't cold but I was. Dad went to go check me in.

"Hello. Name of patient?"
"Paige FeldmanBrown."
"Has she been here before?"
"No this is her first time here."
"Okay I will need you to fill out the paperwork please."
"Okay." Dad comes back noticing that I'm cold.

"Paigey you cold?"
"Here borrow my jacket as a blanket. I have to fill out paperwork. Your father should be here soon. But just for now relax honey."

Dad started to fill out the paperwork.

"Full name of patient? Paige Annabeth FeldmanBrown. DOB? 08-05-02. Family? Marvin Feldman (father) Whizzer Brown (dad) Jason Feldman (half brother). Family medical background? Man they want know everything Paige." He laughs and so do I but just a little bit. "Family medical background, let's see. HIV(AIDS). Um I think that's it. If not your father will finish it. Allergies? You have none right Paige?"

"No Dad, I'm allergic to Kiwi."
"That's right I forgot.
Okay Allergies? Kiwi."

As was trying to finish up the paperwork father walks in.

"Hey Marv. I would kiss you but I have to much paperwork. They need to know everything."
"Yes they do Whiz." Father laughs. He comes close to me and puts his hand on my forehead.
"Paige you are really burning up. How are you?"
"I know smart ass."
"What Whiz!"
"Not now please." I said I didn't want them to start to fight in the middle of urgent care.
"Don't call your sick daughter a smart ass." Dad said as he just looked at father.
"I'm sorry Whiz. I didn't mean to say that." Father said that with annoyance.
"Oh shut up."

"Paige FeldmanBrown." The nurse called me. We went into the room.
"So What is the matter with Paige?"
"Well this morning she said she didn't feel good so I took here temperature and it was 99.9• so we didn't send her to school." My father explains and then my dad joins in.
"Then after he left I went into the kitchen notice she was here. She ask for water and I kissed on the forehead and she was burning up."
"And did you take her temperature again?"
"Yes I did and it was 103•."
"Damn That is high honey."
"I got scared and my husband said to take her to urgent care that she might have the flu."
"Okay. That's good. I will just recheck her temperature. But I do have some questions to ask you two."
"Yes Whiz they need to know other things about Paige." Father said to dad. The nurse just  laughed and said "Is She your first?"
The My father went "oh, no she has a half brother Jason he is my son and his stepson."
"Oh,ok. Um.. first question does Paige take any medication?"
"I already filled this out."
"Whiz, it's okay let's just answer it again. Yes Kiwi."
"Okay. Last question family medical history?"
"Okay I definitely filled all this out already!"
"Whizzer." Father lowered his voice. "I'm sorry he is new at this. And yes HIV(AIDS)."
"I was going to say that after all I did survive it."
"You still have it Whiz."
"I know but going back to the family medical history also depression and anxiety."
"Okay the doctor will be in shortly. Good day."
She left.
"Paige how are you doing?"
I made a noise that kinda sounded like fine but it sounded more like nine.
"My poor Paigey. I hate to see you like this, all sick. It just kills me." My dad said as he was playing with my hair.
"Yes Marv?"
"She is going to be fine."
"Whatever you say."
They kissed and I soon as the lips touched the door opened. Dad and father pulled away as fast as they could.

The doctor walks in.
"Hello Mr and Mr FeldmanBrown?"
"Hi you can call me Whizzer." My dad shook the doctors hand.
"Um Okay? What is happening to Paige?"
"She has a fever of 103• and she says it hurts to talk and that she gets cold a lot even if we have the heat on."
"Okay let me check her temperature now."
The doctor took my temperature it read 103.5•.
"Okay her fever went up .5."
"Is that bad?!?" My dad jumped up.
"It's a little high."
"You think."
"Okay sorry. Continue."
"We should test her for the flu."
"And is that with a needle or like something else?" My dad was trying to make sure everything they did to me was safe and that I was Okay.
"No needles."
"We will just stick qtip up her nose."
"Ouch." My father said. "That has got to hurt."
"Don't say that Marv you might scare her."
"Your talking like as if she is a baby again Whiz."
"I'm sorry Marvin, but I hate to see her sick."

The stuck it up my nose. It hurt. I let out a little noise to show pain. My dad started to tear up.
"It's going to be okay Paigey!"
And just like that it was over.
"All done. Wanna sticker?" The doctor ask.
"She is 16. No she doesn't need a sticker." my father explained.
"Okay. We will be back with the results."
"Okay thank you doc." Dad said.
The doctor left.
The doctor came back.

"Okay so the test results came back and Paige it looks like-"
"Looks like what!" My dad was scared.
"Whizzer let him finish.
"Sorry doctor."
"It's fine. Um back to Paige."
I was nervous god only knows what I have. But whatever it is I want it to go away.

"Paige has the-"

Whizzer and Marvin's Paige {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now